Hey there!
So I am a level 1 veteran Sorc High Elf Tank. I absolutely love my build, I know its not the DPS face melter that could be. Ive invested most points into defensive areas with magicka regen and cost reduction.
So I log in with a little bit of time to play, hop right into Cyrodiil with the intent of doing a few quick quests.
In the past while doing this (usually while talking to the orc quest giver, the one that tries to trick people into living in the village) i am attacked by a duo and by surprise killed.
Well this time, by pure happen stance, Im walking up to the quest giver between the homes. And Eep! Two enemy faction players! They are just standing waiting for a fly to wander in the trap.
Blasted adrenaline! (That coupled with my secondary bar being set up to gain experience) I let loose a liquid lightning right between both players. It absolutely misses both players.
Before he jig is quite up, I duck behind the nearest house and slip into sneak mode. I regain my wits and summon both clannofear and monarch. I don't believe I have time to switch my secondary bar skills. This leaves me with crystal, ward, liquid lightning, my two creatures and atronach.
I slowly peak my head around the corner... Both players are gone! Did my attack scare them off? Are they in stealth waiting for me to make my attempt at the quest?
I slowly investigate the village and around another corner is one of enemies walking through a poor local's yard.
Well i cannot allow this trespassing to continue! From stealth I release a crystal, the battle has begun!
Unleashing crystals, boosting my shield, I notice that the second enemy has engaged me. Finally at this distance I make out Im facing another Vet 1 and his partner in crime is a level 34. Both are nightblades, both have a hard time stealthing while my clannofear naws on them while being struck by crystals (in the midst of lquid lightning), I would call on my stormy atronach to further hamper their day.
As we battle I notice my health is still full, my magicka holds firm, and my creatures stand fast.
My enemies are not so fortunate and soon are at my feet slain.
After a few moments an ally level Vet 12 walks up. He looks upon the two corpses then myself. He studies the dead enemies for a moment, then lets out a hardy laugh emote.

Anyway that was really my first PvP experience after reaching Vet, the two other times I even saw enemies I was dead before I knew it.
Thanks for the read! I hope I was slightly entertaining
Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
1300+ CP
Battleground PvP'er Waffennacht' Builds