Looking for a friendly EB guild

I already have a great guild for Daggerfall, but I really want to socialize on Ebonhart as well.
Shouriko Dark Elf Ebonheart Pact

When the housecat gives away your position.
  • BigDSoulReaper
    Hello! I am the Guild Master of Immortal Kings and i would like to invite you to our guild! We have over 120 members and are always looking for dedicated players. We are a multinational multiplatform community with our own forum so we can communicate even when not on or gaming consoles. to give you a little info, when you join you will be a recruit for a week. As a recruit you will be able to donate into our guild bank but wont be able to withdraw till you are a member. we have daily scheduled events but none are mandatory as we are a mixture of hardcore and casual gamers. if this sounds like something you would be interested in check out our website immortalkingz.com and sign up and you will be responded to within 24hrs.
    Immortal Kings GuildMaster
    There are greats, there are legends, then there are Immortals!
  • Evolution319
    The Twin Dragon Society is looking for players such as yourself who like to play and have a good time. message me on my psn ll_Unrated_ll (those are L's)
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