Hi all.
Meridia's Vengeful Light is currently looking for players above Veteran Rank 10 that have an interest in running trials and daily dungeons.
We are recruiting now and have no restrictions on age, ability or experience within trials, as we have two experienced PC players leading the charge and are happy to lead new teams through.
This is the perfect opportunity to anyone who has been unable as of yet to find a team to do the 12 man trials or who is looking for more consistency. We will be building 2 teams so are accepting applications immediately and will be organizing a time for new members to meet with the CO's and run their first practice dungeons and trials once the numbers are there.
The only requirements are that you have at least one Veteran Rank 10 character, a working microphone, positive and friendly attitude and that you are wanting to work as part of a team.
You can message me here to apply or message me on psn
@the_g_reaper referencing this post.
Looking forward to hearing from you