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The Drunken Dukes Want you!! (Aldmeri Dominion) SOCIAL PvPvE 140+ Mature Trade

The Drunken Dukes are a Guild built on the idea of forming a fun, helpful, mature and active community for players in the aldmeri dominion.

All players are Welcome!!!! We don't care if you are new or have been playing since launch and we will never ask for membership fee, as long as you're active and want to help your fellow Guild members We Want You!!

We have something for all walks of life. If you're a Merchant we've had a guild trader since week 2 of launch, to help you make more gold than the Thalmor treasury. If you're a PvEr we run dungeons all the time and because we have such a diverse range of levels you won't have a problem finding a group. For Pvpers we always have a group in Chillrend and run coordinated attacks with other guilds, so there will always be a warband ready to help you snag that extra AP and take glory for you and the Queen.

We have a great core team of committed officers who are all master crafters and won't hesitate to help out other members with equipment and advise. Helping you stay competitive in an ever changing meta.

We hold a weekly raffle with 3 Prizes ranging from 25k to 65k+ all proceeds go towards keeping our Guild trader, so participation benefits everyone. We also regularly hold competitions with a grand prize similar to that of the raffle. The raffle is the only way in which we will ever ask for gold from our players and in no way is participation required.

Joining our Guild will bring a new aspect to this incredibly fun game. Adding a sense of community and giving you a group friends that will keep you coming back!

To join please leave your gamertag below or message me on xbox my gamertag is "Nephilim Hero"
Edited by NephilimHero on September 15, 2015 12:25AM
GM of The Drunken Dukes
High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
"For the queen"
  • NephilimHero
    P.s we typically PvP in chillrend but also venture into azuras star
    Edited by NephilimHero on August 25, 2015 9:34AM
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • DanLikesDam
    Blast me an invite
  • NephilimHero
    No prblem, is your gamer tag the same as your forum ID?
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • mtborggild
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join!
    GT: mtborggild
  • NephilimHero
    Ill have one of my officers send you an invite straight away. Hope to see you online later today
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Danzrach
    Soul Shriven

    I am a fairly new player and I am looking for a friendly Guild.

    My XB user tag is ArticFox07 and my main Char is Quillfeather.

  • NephilimHero
    Ill have an invite sent to you in the morning! :)
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Danzrach
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you very much

    So that will be later tonight where I am. :wink:
  • NephilimHero
    Ah where are you from? :smiley:
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Danzrach
    Soul Shriven

    It's hard to find people in my time zone haha
  • NephilimHero
    We have a few Americans around that are on a similar clock :)
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  •  Toldam
    Hi I would like too join

    GT Toldam
  • NephilimHero
    Excellent ill have an invite sent in the morning
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • zspaun
    Soul Shriven
    GT: zspaun
    Also interested
  • NephilimHero
    No problem just be sure to join chat when you join guys :)
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • nateisbond
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I'd love to join! Sounds like a great guild!

    GT: Nate Is Bond
  • NephilimHero
    Ill send one now
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • NephilimHero
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Crookert
    Soul Shriven
    GT = Kroekert

    can you invid me

  • NephilimHero
    Yea ill do that this afternoon :)
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • NephilimHero
    Bump, We are currently running DSA regularly now, so for all the experienced vet 10+, if you need a group we can help with that.
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • rwebbo25
    Hey can I have an invite please, rwebbo25. Vet 5 night blade bow/dw. (My boyfriends character from dagger fall may show sometimes though)
  • NephilimHero
    That's cool, as long as your main is AD :) ill have one sent ASAP
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • NephilimHero
    We are still recruiting guys, if interested in joinin a real community that helps each other out then we're the guild for you.
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • JacknyfeUK
    Soul Shriven

    I would love to join. GT is JacknyfeUK.


  • NephilimHero
    No problem ill send one now
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Leokes624
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love to join this guild I've been looking for a raiding/dungeon and pvp for a while now for AD,
    GT is Leokes624 also if you could add another person as well his GT is ShieldOfYokuda.

    If you can send an invite for us both that would be great.
  • NephilimHero
    No problem we'd love to have you ill send you an invite in the morning :)
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Ottokristus
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love to join. Gamertag: OttoMoa
  • NephilimHero
    update: we have started running a biweekly game of hide and seek with cash prizes and no entry fee. All in the name of fun and bringing together our community.
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
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