Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
I wasn't part of the group in the video and i have no doubt you have mad skillz and probably enjoy your Emp powered instagib build a lot.May you consider yourself lucky to have been blessed to have experienced combat with The Lord FENGRUSH @SirAndy
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
And how someone can provide a Addon is working properly?
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Just like 9/10 players in cyrodil.
Awesome video though, I really enjoyed it.
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
I wasn't part of the group in the video and i have no doubt you have mad skillz and probably enjoy your Emp powered instagib build a lot.May you consider yourself lucky to have been blessed to have experienced combat with The Lord FENGRUSH @SirAndy
However, your video is also a perfect example of why PvP in its current state has lost all appeal for me.
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Just like 9/10 players in cyrodil.
Awesome video though, I really enjoyed it.
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
Hopefully the IC update completely fixes armor being able to be reduced to zero. Maybe we'll see a resurgence of heavy armor users? Maybe PvP will feel different and heavy armor will suddenly not require an update.
Six days left. Let's do our best to skilfully use new awkwardly designed game systems [exploits] which may or may not arrive with IC.
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Just like 9/10 players in cyrodil.
Awesome video though, I really enjoyed it.
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
This game has so many exploits and bugs, if your not using one your not really playing the game. lol.
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Just like 9/10 players in cyrodil.
Awesome video though, I really enjoyed it.
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
This game has so many exploits and bugs, if your not using one your not really playing the game. lol.
Consider me not playing the game then because as far as exploits go...I have none!
I really don't get why people have to cheat at MMO's or other multiplayer games. Cheating on your own single player game isn't anything, people do that all the time. How low are these peoples self esteem and morals that they have to cheat to win to feel good about them selves. They declare they are gods all the while looking for the next exploit to take advantage of. They don't impress me one bit. Take away all their cheats and they don't even have the skill to 1v1 anyone....
that is what looks like close to 100% armour reduction, and block not counted (the attack had already completed before the block action). critical rush puts you in the exact position to bash the victim over the head at the very time you get there, then animation cancel a light attack with one swing of executioner, done. tap critical rush on another far away target repeatedly and off you go again. probably nothing hit him because the critical rush had already started before the attack landed.
critical charge (and morphs) are true instant abilities, a bit like searing strike or mages fury to a lesser extent.
Baconfat79 wrote: »I'm not saying that some adjustments don't need to be made. I agree fully that TTK is ridiculously low in this game, but like it or not, it's the status quo. People keep coming to these forums, posting these death reports, and insinuating that the person who killed them is some kind of cheater. That's simply not the case. You got owned by a well-geared player who probably attacked you from stealth and caught you slippin'. Oh well. Suck it up, buttercup. That's how this game is.
Suck it up buttercup? That's real nice.
Just because this is the status quo, that doesn't make it a good thing. I didn't see any accusations of cheating here, so why did the conversation turn toward that?
QuebraRegra wrote: »that is what looks like close to 100% armour reduction, and block not counted (the attack had already completed before the block action). critical rush puts you in the exact position to bash the victim over the head at the very time you get there, then animation cancel a light attack with one swing of executioner, done. tap critical rush on another far away target repeatedly and off you go again. probably nothing hit him because the critical rush had already started before the attack landed.
critical charge (and morphs) are true instant abilities, a bit like searing strike or mages fury to a lesser extent.
why is 2h so ridiculous? Is there nay balance in there? WB, WB, WB, CR, CR, CR.... #&**!!&#!
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Just like 9/10 players in cyrodil.
Awesome video though, I really enjoyed it.
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
This game has so many exploits and bugs, if your not using one your not really playing the game. lol.
Consider me not playing the game then because as far as exploits go...I have none!
I really don't get why people have to cheat at MMO's or other multiplayer games. Cheating on your own single player game isn't anything, people do that all the time. How low are these peoples self esteem and morals that they have to cheat to win to feel good about them selves. They declare they are gods all the while looking for the next exploit to take advantage of. They don't impress me one bit. Take away all their cheats and they don't even have the skill to 1v1 anyone....
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Just like 9/10 players in cyrodil.
Awesome video though, I really enjoyed it.
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
This game has so many exploits and bugs, if your not using one your not really playing the game. lol.
Consider me not playing the game then because as far as exploits go...I have none!
I really don't get why people have to cheat at MMO's or other multiplayer games. Cheating on your own single player game isn't anything, people do that all the time. How low are these peoples self esteem and morals that they have to cheat to win to feel good about them selves. They declare they are gods all the while looking for the next exploit to take advantage of. They don't impress me one bit. Take away all their cheats and they don't even have the skill to 1v1 anyone....
FENGRUSH is a Lord - he hasnt stated beyond that here.
If you want to interpret gameplay or messages as the person saying "we are a god" or "we are superior to those people" then that is up to you. You may want to keep that complex in check though.
The reality is, FENGRUSH plays ESO at the highest level as he plays all games. If you think anything was achieved in that video was dependant upon or made possible only to 'bugs' or 'exploits', you would be mistaken. It would have gone just the same.
My philosophy on gaming is to challenge myself as much as possible and steer clear of the easy path. That is why youre seeing a stam sorc in that video instead of a magicka sorc, which is fundamentally imbalanced in its current state. Now as Im fighting an uphill battle already as a stam sorc, the best opponents that you will come up against are all using what youve described here. The reality is, it requires little to no effort. So when great players out there want to duel, I need to be on par with them as much as possible.
Ultimately, whatever you see there can actually all be achieved by simply having more champion points. So in reality, if I had <X> more champion points, I could perform at the same functional level. Now you can jump into the conversation of champion points imbalancing the situation which is a real thing - but that is just one players time invested in the game vs. another. At the end of the day, anyone whos played ESO long enough knows the best way to get change is to make something very present and a real issue, so I dont mind you bringing it up. Im with you all the same on getting things fixed - I wish there was more incentive from ZOS to do so.
In the meanwhile, I wont be intentionally handicapping myself against the large majority of skilled players that are doing the same thing. Some folks are doing much worse - such as mitigating 95% of their damage, I literally have to just walk away from that fight as there is no realistic solution for me to win it. But to try to devalue my play or make inferences of me as a player would be misguided and foolish.
Tune in to the stream and youll hear the same type of complaints though and hopes of things being fixed.
Rune_Relic wrote: »Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Just like 9/10 players in cyrodil.
Awesome video though, I really enjoyed it.
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
This game has so many exploits and bugs, if your not using one your not really playing the game. lol.
Consider me not playing the game then because as far as exploits go...I have none!
I really don't get why people have to cheat at MMO's or other multiplayer games. Cheating on your own single player game isn't anything, people do that all the time. How low are these peoples self esteem and morals that they have to cheat to win to feel good about them selves. They declare they are gods all the while looking for the next exploit to take advantage of. They don't impress me one bit. Take away all their cheats and they don't even have the skill to 1v1 anyone....
Most are just there to smash face.
They really don't care about fair play or game longevity or balance.
Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Just like 9/10 players in cyrodil.
Awesome video though, I really enjoyed it.
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
This game has so many exploits and bugs, if your not using one your not really playing the game. lol.
Consider me not playing the game then because as far as exploits go...I have none!
I really don't get why people have to cheat at MMO's or other multiplayer games. Cheating on your own single player game isn't anything, people do that all the time. How low are these peoples self esteem and morals that they have to cheat to win to feel good about them selves. They declare they are gods all the while looking for the next exploit to take advantage of. They don't impress me one bit. Take away all their cheats and they don't even have the skill to 1v1 anyone....
FENGRUSH is a Lord - he hasnt stated beyond that here.
If you want to interpret gameplay or messages as the person saying "we are a god" or "we are superior to those people" then that is up to you. You may want to keep that complex in check though.
The reality is, FENGRUSH plays ESO at the highest level as he plays all games. If you think anything was achieved in that video was dependant upon or made possible only to 'bugs' or 'exploits', you would be mistaken. It would have gone just the same.
My philosophy on gaming is to challenge myself as much as possible and steer clear of the easy path. That is why youre seeing a stam sorc in that video instead of a magicka sorc, which is fundamentally imbalanced in its current state. Now as Im fighting an uphill battle already as a stam sorc, the best opponents that you will come up against are all using what youve described here. The reality is, it requires little to no effort. So when great players out there want to duel, I need to be on par with them as much as possible.
Ultimately, whatever you see there can actually all be achieved by simply having more champion points. So in reality, if I had <X> more champion points, I could perform at the same functional level. Now you can jump into the conversation of champion points imbalancing the situation which is a real thing - but that is just one players time invested in the game vs. another. At the end of the day, anyone whos played ESO long enough knows the best way to get change is to make something very present and a real issue, so I dont mind you bringing it up. Im with you all the same on getting things fixed - I wish there was more incentive from ZOS to do so.
In the meanwhile, I wont be intentionally handicapping myself against the large majority of skilled players that are doing the same thing. Some folks are doing much worse - such as mitigating 95% of their damage, I literally have to just walk away from that fight as there is no realistic solution for me to win it. But to try to devalue my play or make inferences of me as a player would be misguided and foolish.
Tune in to the stream and youll hear the same type of complaints though and hopes of things being fixed.
MisterBigglesworth wrote: »Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.
If FTC shows the exact same time for each of those hits, report the player with the screen shot for using macros. Even with animation cancelling they should have different times showing for the hits. They won't be more than maybe a second apart unless it's macro'd.
Its been confirmed the person in question is not using macros but is instead quick as lightning and strong as thunder. Video evidence has been provided!
Ah, no macro's....just all the game exploits then.... gotcha.....
Just like 9/10 players in cyrodil.
Awesome video though, I really enjoyed it.
Isn't that the truth. This game has way too many exploits that need to be hot fixed and quickly.....
This game has so many exploits and bugs, if your not using one your not really playing the game. lol.
Consider me not playing the game then because as far as exploits go...I have none!
I really don't get why people have to cheat at MMO's or other multiplayer games. Cheating on your own single player game isn't anything, people do that all the time. How low are these peoples self esteem and morals that they have to cheat to win to feel good about them selves. They declare they are gods all the while looking for the next exploit to take advantage of. They don't impress me one bit. Take away all their cheats and they don't even have the skill to 1v1 anyone....
FENGRUSH is a Lord - he hasnt stated beyond that here.
If you want to interpret gameplay or messages as the person saying "we are a god" or "we are superior to those people" then that is up to you. You may want to keep that complex in check though.
The reality is, FENGRUSH plays ESO at the highest level as he plays all games. If you think anything was achieved in that video was dependant upon or made possible only to 'bugs' or 'exploits', you would be mistaken. It would have gone just the same.
My philosophy on gaming is to challenge myself as much as possible and steer clear of the easy path. That is why youre seeing a stam sorc in that video instead of a magicka sorc, which is fundamentally imbalanced in its current state. Now as Im fighting an uphill battle already as a stam sorc, the best opponents that you will come up against are all using what youve described here. The reality is, it requires little to no effort. So when great players out there want to duel, I need to be on par with them as much as possible.
Ultimately, whatever you see there can actually all be achieved by simply having more champion points. So in reality, if I had <X> more champion points, I could perform at the same functional level. Now you can jump into the conversation of champion points imbalancing the situation which is a real thing - but that is just one players time invested in the game vs. another. At the end of the day, anyone whos played ESO long enough knows the best way to get change is to make something very present and a real issue, so I dont mind you bringing it up. Im with you all the same on getting things fixed - I wish there was more incentive from ZOS to do so.
In the meanwhile, I wont be intentionally handicapping myself against the large majority of skilled players that are doing the same thing. Some folks are doing much worse - such as mitigating 95% of their damage, I literally have to just walk away from that fight as there is no realistic solution for me to win it. But to try to devalue my play or make inferences of me as a player would be misguided and foolish.
Tune in to the stream and youll hear the same type of complaints though and hopes of things being fixed.
Go play counter strike, scrub.
Pvp is balanced. Move along ppl.Someone please explain this one with a few more words besides "L2P".
Full health, saw him out of the corner of my eye, put up BLOCK and bam, insta-gib ...
Checked FTC and those 3 hit all at the same second, no delay.
That's over 40k of damage in one hit!
And before anyone utters "Glass Canon", the guy went on to take out several other players while absorbing loads of damage at the same time. He never went down.