I just wanted to ask if this was a normal occurrence or not in the Elder Scrolls Online community. I recently had a situation where as I joined a particular guild that had its trader setup in Grahtwood, and was informed that every Friday, they charge every single member 5,000 gold. If you don't pay-up, they but you on "probation", and remove your ability to sell in their guild. If you don't pay-up by Sunday, then they'd remove you. The way the recruiter explained it, I could somewhat understand their point as to why a fee was setup to begin with. So I said whatever, and figured I'd join. Upon joining, I sent the leader the 5,000 gold as they requested. Just because I wanted be apart of a "serious trading guild". The guild leader then tries to tell me that they didn't receive the gold. Which was why they didn't give me permission to sell. That is the second red flag that popped up. The first being that the guild has a 5,000 gold weekly membership fee. Keep in mind, I hadn't even been a member of this guild for 24hrs. And already these red flags are showing. So the leader ends up saying how they'll give me the benefit of the doubt, and will allow me to sell. But, I'd had best come up with the gold required by Monday. Nope. Absolutely not. So I then proceed with leaving the guild immediately, and telling the leader to not even worry about it. I also told the recruiter that I felt something was fishy and seemed like a scam. So is this a normal thing, everyone? Or rather is this a normal thing on PC at the moment? As this apparently (according to the recruiter) has been transpiring a lot on console. I however, feel like I've been scammed 5,000 gold (which is my own fault). And, I think that the whole membership fee requirements of a guild are a scam in of itself.