Soul Shriven
hey everyone,

im looking for a nice active guild i can join and do loads of pvp/pve and trading with,

feel free to add me on XB1

GT - YOU T0SSP0T 0's In Tosspot are 0's ''YOU'' Is normal
  • o0jonboy0o
    Soul Shriven
    o0jonboy0o wrote: »
    hey everyone,

    im looking for a nice active guild i can join and do loads of pvp/pve and trading with,

    feel free to add me on XB1

    GT - YOU T0SSP0T .... 0's In ''T0ssp0t'' are Zero's ''YOU'' Is normal ''O''

  • NephilimHero
    The Drunken Dukes would love to have you, ill message you on Xbox tomorrow
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • robwolf666
    Well, if you don't mind girl gamers, my little sister is also looking for a guild... though she doesn't know the "rules" involved, she doesn't have a mic either, so in a group situation she'd either wing it or follow orders if they're given. Anyway, if you're interested, our Gamertag is: A Tavoularis
    We use the same GT, but you can tell us apart because her characters are female, mine male. She has characters in all three alliances, of different levels.
  • Teabaag1988
    If you meet the entry criteria, you're more than welcome to welcome to join us!

    British Mercenaries - Recruiting Daggerfall Members from the UK!
  • robwolf666
    Ok, why post an invite then reject her application? That's kinda cruel, I really don't get some people.
  • TheDoo87
    robwolf666 wrote: »
    Well, if you don't mind girl gamers, my little sister is also looking for a guild... though she doesn't know the "rules" involved, she doesn't have a mic either, so in a group situation she'd either wing it or follow orders if they're given. Anyway, if you're interested, our Gamertag is: A Tavoularis
    We use the same GT, but you can tell us apart because her characters are female, mine male. She has characters in all three alliances, of different levels.

    Hi Rob,

    Check out our trading guild, you can apply at http://craftytraders.shivtr.com/ I will accept. The co founder is a girl and we are looking for more members of both gender.
    Crafty Traders Guild Leader - http://craftytraders.shivtr.com/

    Ebonheart Pact - TheDoo87
  • robwolf666
    TheDoo87 wrote: »

    Hi Rob,

    Check out our trading guild, you can apply at http://craftytraders.shivtr.com/ I will accept. The co founder is a girl and we are looking for more members of both gender.

    Lol, this explains why my sister says you called her Rob yesterday. :smile:
    Just remember, if it's a female character it's my sister (Awe), and if it's a male character it's me (Rob). She's on the game a lot more than me though.

  • TheDoo87
    robwolf666 wrote: »

    Lol, this explains why my sister says you called her Rob yesterday. :smile:
    Just remember, if it's a female character it's my sister (Awe), and if it's a male character it's me (Rob). She's on the game a lot more than me though.

    Haha okay I'll bare that in mind!! *shame face* hard to tell without a mic.
    Crafty Traders Guild Leader - http://craftytraders.shivtr.com/

    Ebonheart Pact - TheDoo87
  • Teabaag1988
    robwolf666 wrote: »
    Ok, why post an invite then reject her application? That's kinda cruel, I really don't get some people.

    Sorry, but I stated if you meet the entry criteria which is the on page that you filled the form in, which is why application was rejected.

    Perhaps edit your post to put more info about yourself would save the confusion in the future. :)
    British Mercenaries - Recruiting Daggerfall Members from the UK!
  • Sneaky_Darkstep
    Hi o0jonboy0o, here's a list of many popular guilds on the EU server:
    MASTER LIST of GUILDS on EU Xbox Server

    Hope this helps...
    SD B)
    Sneaky Darkstep
    Guild Master of the Daggerfall Darksteppers. The First Choice for New Players!
    VR 5 - Dark Elf - Dragon Knight - Vampire (DW/FS Trial Build)
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