Hello Eso Community. I'm here to give you my take on Duel Wield in it's current state and what i think need's to be done to let us nightblade's use the weapon class we all know and love... Dual Wield.
This post will be catered to my experience as a stamina Nightblade and how these two weapon classes effect me. This post will also relate to my PvP experience with these skill line's. Anyone who has tried to use Dual Wield and Bow may also have the same issue's im about to discuss.
The issue's:
1: In update 1.6, Duel Wield is inferior to Two handed. Two hand has better sustained healing, better access to Major Brutality and better weapon class passive support.
2: Dual Wield abilities lack in damage and effectiveness (Whirling Blade's excluded). Dual Wield Passive are also very lack luster because of this.
Issue number one has already been resolved in update 1.7. Vigor will be available for anyone with level 5 assault, this is a great change for stamina user's. Now all duel wield needed was a source of Major Brutality. Zos has now given Hidden Blade Major Brutality, this was to try and bring Hidden Blade more in line with Two hand's Momentum, ill get more into this below.
So now as a Stamina Nightblade i was given three option's:
-Drop my Bow to use 2 DW bar's and utilize Flying Blade with Major Brutality
-Keep Momentum with 2H for easy access of Major Brutality
-Spend a whole lot of gold/time farming for Major Brutality Potion's.
I dunno about you but i would rather not have to do any of these 3 option's. So i wont and i'll have to deal with using a weapon class i like and have 20% less damage with inferior weapon class passive's to boot.
Here are the difference's between the two weapon class passive's.
Dual Wield and Two hand Passive's.
DW passive's
-Increases damage with Dual Wield abilities by 20% against enemies under 25% Health.
-Increases Weapon Damage by 6% of off-hand weapon's Damage.
-Reduces the cost of Dual Wield abilities by 20%.
-15% damage bonus when attacking stunned, immobilized, disoriented, or silenced enemies.(DW skill's only +light/heavy attack''s)
-Each axe equipped gives your weapon attacks a 50% chance to bleed enemies for [x] Physical Damage over 6 seconds.
-Each mace equipped allows your weapon attacks to ignore 10% of an enemy's Physical Resistance.
-Each sword equipped increases the damage of your weapon attacks by 2.5%.
-Each dagger equipped increases your Weapon Critical rating. (by 5%)
Two Hand Passive's
-Allows your standard attacks to hit more than one target. Both Light and Heavy Attacks damage up to 2 nearby enemies for 25% of the damage inflicted to the primary target.
-Reduces the cost of Two-Handed abilities by 20%.
-Gives you a 10% damage bonus on the next attack after a fully charged heavy attack.
-Boosts your Stamina Recovery by 30% for 10 seconds after killing a target.
-Two handed swords deal 5% extra damage.
-Two handed axes deal 2[x] Physical Damage extra bleeding damage over 6 seconds.
-Two handed maces ignore 20% of your target's Armor.
Here are the passive's that work for each weapon class, without utilizing any weapon class abilities for damage. Since your bar as a nightblade usually use's Surprise attack and Ambush for damage.
DW Passive's
-Increases Weapon Damage by 6% of off-hand weapon's Damage.
-15% damage bonus when attacking stunned, immobilized, disoriented, or silenced enemies with your light/heavy attack's.
-Each axe equipped gives your weapon attacks a 50% chance to bleed enemies for [x] Physical Damage over 6 seconds.
-Each mace equipped allows your weapon attacks to ignore 10% of an enemy's Physical Resistance.
-Each sword equipped increases the damage of your weapon attacks by 2.5%.
-Each dagger equipped increases your Weapon Critical rating. (by 5%)
Two Hand Passive's
-Allows your standard attacks to hit more than one target. Both Light and Heavy Attacks damage up to 2 nearby enemies for 25% of the damage inflicted to the primary target.
-Gives you a 10% damage bonus on the next attack after a fully charged heavy attack.
-Boosts your Stamina Recovery by 30% for 10 seconds after killing a target.
-Two handed swords deal 5% extra damage.
-Two handed axes deal 2[x] Physical Damage extra bleeding damage over 6 seconds.
-Two handed maces ignore 20% of your target's Armor.
It's clear you are loosing on weapon class passive's as a nightblade if you use DW over 2H without using any weapon class ability's.
Even if you were to use DW abilities they are still very bad (except steel tornado).
-Twin slashes DoT can be removed by a simple block. (Not sure if intended or true)
-Flurry leave's you open, channel time is to long and doesn't do enough damage.
-Blade Cloak has to short of a duration and is beat out by Blur/Double Take
-Flying Blade Useless if you use a Bow.
-Steel Tornado. The only saving grace of the dual wield skill line. Great AoE but low damage after 1.7 update.
So i'm not sure if i have proven my point. Dual Wield right now is a complete disaster for nightblade's and is a shame the sneaky ninja gank class cannot use it without gimping our self's, we are forced to use some clunky 2H to max the potential of our class.
I'm not here to say anyone can't use DW, i'm just pointing out the disadvantage's. I would love dual wield to become more viable but sadly they just plain suck.
What i would do to fix Duel Wield?
Skill change's:
1: Twin Slashes: I have heard once applied to someone in pvp, once they block the bleed is taken off. Need confirmation if this is true. If this is the case, this should not happen. The skill however is in a good place.
2: Decrease the channel time of Flurry to 1 second and increase the damage. There is no point using Flurry over Surprise Attack at the moment and that should change.
(People may point out class ability's are better and i don't think this should be the case. All player's have access to this ability, a buff would not hurt. This will just encourage different play style's instead of cookie cutter build's forced to use Surprise attack if you use Dual Wield.)
3: Blade Cloak - Personally the skill is fine, just the duration is very short. This skill should of received the Major Brutality Buff instead of hidden blade
I wouldn't mind a morph that heal's for the damage blade cloak does. Making this skill more in line with Momentum.
4: Hidden Blade: The skill was great before they nerfed the damage and put in Major Brutality. You are forcing player's to use this as an opener to get the most out of the Major Brutality.
(Rally would still be the better opinion since you can use your biggest hitting skill or ultimate from stealth with increased damage)
This ability should proc Mangle instead. That would make thing's interesting.
Passive Change's
Most of the duel wield passive's relie on dual wield abilities. Since a lot of these abilities remain ineffective, you will need to buff the skill's to be more useful or give more to the passive's.
Example 1: Hitting an enemy from stealth with a dual wield abilities grant's them Major Endurance/Heroism/Force, something!
Example 2: You could possibly include Snare's into the Ruffian passive. Hit them with Hidden Blade/Rending Slashes and now you will have more damage from your passive while using dual wield abilities. Which give's more incentive to use Dual Wield Abilities.
What i would change from Two Hand to make thing's more even?
Make Momentum a fighter's guild skill: This way everyone has access to a self heal and Major Brutality. You can now choose your weapon of choice without being sucked into what's best.
To get away with above all you need to do is invent some new Two Handed ability. I personally think a 2 hand AoE knockdown ability would be perfect.
Well these are my thought's. Feedback below!