Im still kind of new, so if this is a terrible idea feel free to tell me. but the current champion point[CP] system gets a lot of disliking in the pvp community of ESO because the inequality between high CP and low CP driving people to farm to be competitive. Now I'm not sure i fully understand the system, but i see they scale at a diminishing return rate.
That is if we get technical Y=X^0.7 (i will refer to the 0.7 as the Scaler)
Y= %
This is of course not universal to all CP tree options some get a bit more? some get a bit less. This coupled with what i believe is the cap for a single point on a CP consellation (100) means you can get 100^0.7= 25% buff to some skills. This seems to apply to majority of the CP skills i invest in anyway. and for this example its far easier if we pretend this is universally true even if it isnt.
aka lets assume
100CP = 25%
50CP = 15.5%
10CP = 5%
1CP = 1%
very roughly this is the trend it follows. This means if i had 10CP (5% buff) some one would need 27CP(10%) to get double the buffing i get. so very roughly we can say someone with 3 times as many CP as you is going to have a notable advantage.
The idea
The idea would be to dampen their effectiveness in this capacity. That is to say if they scaled at Y=X^0.5 suddenly those 100CP only give a 10% buff, and 25CP give a 5% buff. this reduces the effectiveness of the CP but also reduces the gap. Now im not saying this is the right value for the scaler, its just an example.
Now this small change makes CP points gaps less noticble at all levels, but does not weaken them as a whole because having high CP still gives you alot of passive ability options in addition to still being more buffed than someone who doesnt have very many. its just not so noticeable in the straight stats, you still have an advantage but the advantage is less for raw stats but just as good for those passive ability mile stones.
Such diminishing returns will encourage people to spread the CPs out a lot more, this in turn will make everyone very similar depending on class and if stamina or magicka based
people who earned their CP may feel cheated, they should not because they will see maybe a 15% drop at most in any one skill if these value are even used and passives are still some of the best bonuses imo from the CP consellations
it might not even help that much, because getting the balance between too much nerf and not enough is a fine line and it may not actually reduce the disadvantage between high and low CP all that much
It would also help with some of the more common complaints. Sorcs stacking huge shields, stamina users dodge rolling for days, heavy armour being useless because of the people stacking over penetration and so on.
it is (assuming they coded the CP system well) ever so easy to change and tweak value to find a balance.
it would create less of a barrier for pvp players rocking low CP points without needing dedicated servers running CP point free etc.
one final twist i would add is one other possibility if you did this would be to raise the limit on CP assignments above 100. by making it more constrained on returns but larger potential caps you force people to really chose what it is better to put their points into. using the 0.5 scaler you can put 400 points into one option to get a 20% buff, vs 100 points into 4 options to get 10% in each. really make them chose how to spend their points. and in this way they can chose to lose out on some passives and some other buffs just for that 10% more into whatever they are after. also id suggest in future DLC you may have some consellations with say a 300 CP passive etc to really make a person chose how they want to specialise their character and game play.
once again im not suggesting 0.5 scaler is ideal or suitable for every tree. its just the concept of reducing the effectiveness on CP and increasing the cap to make people chose between being a power house in one stat or getting more of the passives, whilst at the same time reducing the noticeable gap between high and low CP
please if you've read this far than i would certainly appreciate your feed back and your own views and suggestions. i only mention this because it seems to have been overlooked as an option from all discussions i have seen so far on CP. things like splitting CP in PVP and PVE and other convoluted suggestions, caps and so on just didnt seem like the optimal way to deal with CP and issues that come from them
Dragon Knight [Magicka] - 720 - Stormproof
Night Blade [Magicka] - 720 - Stormproof
Sorcerer [Magicka] - 720 - Flawless Conqueror
Templar [Magicka] - 720 - Stormproof
Dragon Knight [Stamina] - 720 - Stormproof
Night Blade [Stamina] - 720 - Stormproof