DarthSeverus394 wrote: »Same on the templar. Idk if an ultimate can count towards regaining itself but theres been times that ive spammed 4 healing ultimates in a row with no rest time. Very rare and no complaints with me but ive only seen it happen then personally.
chevalierknight wrote: »Do the devs know templers on xbox are glitched with unlimited ults and where the hot fix people are casting 20 comits ever and over
Lightninvash wrote: »
for me it only happens now n then in dungeons maybe its from them killing the enemies gaining more ulti ik myself I everything including ulti costs 4% less and some skills gain ulti faster or maybe its a passive I don't remember but maybe that is factored in too?
chevalierknight wrote: »
I did a vet dungon today and the templar kill boss cast the aoe comit they have 1 every second he used about 30 ults can someone @ a dev
Lightninvash wrote: »
wow that's crazy never heard that just know sometimes I get 2 heals but then again sometimes I watch my ulti bar grow like crazy after I use it mid battle so idk that being said 30 of the novas sounds like he is exploiting a bug.
chevalierknight wrote: »
Was in a group in pvp with mics all doing it but noone was sure how
Lightninvash wrote: »
think were on to something seems to only happen when grouped hmm. come to think of it when I was in the dungeon that got a second ult right away was with another Templar as well...
NPK Daniel wrote: »Sorry ladies and gentlemen:
You're about to experience what the PC players have for sooooo long.
Prepare for the lag.
Seen it happen in groups in dungeons. Has something to do with the fighter's guild ultimate generation passive. It seems to only work when there are undead/daedric around. Looks like every tic of an ultimate's DoTs or HoTs is counting as a kill. If you hit 3 undeads with the massive solar flare thing or a meteor, every tic against the 3 enemies counts as a kill yielding 9 ultimate per tic per enemy.