FlounderOG wrote: »People want healing and a lot of it, and they want it for as long as it takes to get *** capped.
So big magic regen, with a few heavy armor pieces usually does well. I cant really help with specific gear set ups besides sword and shield is good for blocking damage and staying alive longer to heal your team, light armor is good for magic regen, and a few pieces of heavy is good for taking more damage before keeling over. Slap a resto staff on there as a secondary when you reach level 15.
I usually spam breath of life, and the ultimate from restoring light, along with the purge abiliry from the support skill line.
Using the support tree siege bubble makes teammates happy also.
You can also never go wrong with siege repair kits, and reviving fallen teammates. People fight for me to be in their raid because i pile over 100 grand soul gems at any given time.
Im sure some people on here have an ubertactical build they can recommend, but Ive done just fine keeping the team alive with these things.
Krazy_ADHD wrote: »if i were to do a tank with 1hand/shield , i would have to raise stamina and magicka?
whats the best in your opinion for me to do. like what do alot of people want in their group? and also can you tell me how i should distribute points whether it be magicka stamina or health for your preferred build