This is my first time playing an elder scrolls game. I am a level 25 dark elf sorcerer. My focus is heavily on destruction staff and storm calling. I want to be a heavily offensive player with escapability.
I have the opportunity to receive a bite, im just trying to make an informed decision. I really like the passives for vampires and the ultimate looks great. However, do the negatives threaten to cripple my survivability?
Right now, I use mostly heavy armor. I know that's against the grain, and eventually I plan to level up light armor for spell buffs, but the way I saw it, constitution was the single best armor passive in the early going, so I have two points towards that for a large armor boost and decent health regen boost.
Overall, considering that I have natural racial passives to offset the fire vulnerability and currently running with heavy armor and constitution fully leveled, would this be advisable?