It's supposed to be a solo-friendly zone, the first non-1990s-group-or-die PVE world content since release.
It was first talked about by ZOS late last summer and likely would have been in the game by now had the game not gone F2P and the Store seemingly became the entire focus of developments for 6 months, delaying IC (which ZOS was was nearly ready for release last September/October), Orsinium and other stuff.
There is no words from ZOS of any time-frame for its released.
Any of this may have changed, but here are some things that (we think) we know about Orsinium:
- Orsinium is the home city of the Orcs, located in the region called Wrothgar
- The DLC should include the whole zone of Wrothgar, not just the city of Orsinium
- The story is based on the Orcs' membership in the Daggerfall Covenant, King Kurog's position as a leader of the Covenant, and the opposition to that membership by the Orcs who follow the Code of Malacath
- Content is designed for solo/duo completion, like the Alliance Zones, and is therefore not an Adventure Zone
- Players will scale to the level of the content using a similar system to Cyrodiil's Battle Levelling
- It will be released in November/December
It was first talked about by ZOS late last summer and likely would have been in the game by now had the game not gone F2P and the Store seemingly became the entire focus of developments for 6 months
It's supposed to be a solo-friendly zone, the first non-1990s-group-or-die PVE world content since release.
It was first talked about by ZOS late last summer and likely would have been in the game by now had the game not gone F2P and the Store seemingly became the entire focus of developments for 6 months, delaying IC (which ZOS was was nearly ready for release last September/October), Orsinium and other stuff.
There is no words from ZOS of any time-frame for its released.