CODA and Landfall

anybody read the coda and found about the landfall is? is it the moon falling down on tamriel?
  • lunarsyed
    imagine space mers lol. or aliens come to devastate tamriel.
  • Throren
    First of all, CODA and Landfall and all that stuff are the crazy fan fiction raving of a former Bethesda dev and are really dumb lore

    Second - Did you not learn for your last thread? This has no place on this forum. Incoming thread lock.
  • lunarsyed
    oh rlly
  • Scyantific
    Idunno guys, I kinda dig the idea that Talos is in fact an operating system from the future and that Aerynn is an android.

    Bethesda should have kept Kirkbride onboard for Oblivion and Skyrim. Plus he's got a smokin hot wife/gf/partner.
  • lunarsyed
    i was just talking about what elder scrolls will be like in 5th era. maybe i hit the mark somewhere lol
  • Throren
    And this forum is only for topics pertaining to ESO, exactly why you're last thread was locked.

    What the world of tamriel will be like in the future is up to Bethesda game game studio, not Zenimax Online.
  • starkerealm
    Throren wrote: »
    And this forum is only for topics pertaining to ESO, exactly why you're last thread was locked.

    What the world of tamriel will be like in the future is up to Bethesda game game studio, not Zenimax Online.

    Unless the next Elder Scrolls title is developed by ZoS for whatever reason.
    Throren wrote: »
    First of all, CODA and Landfall and all that stuff are the crazy fan fiction raving of a former Bethesda dev and are really dumb lore

    In defense of Kirkbride... his stuff is really, really, strange. But, it is fairly sharp. Though, I haven't read his post Bethesda ramblings.
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