raymond.bintzb16_ESO wrote: »I am really an “Elder Scroll»! With this I mean my age and my experience as an online player (MMO’s,especially PVP) I’ve played more or less everything on the market (from “Richard Gariott” Ultima online over “Mark Richards” Dark Age of Camelot, of course Warhammer online, Aion, Line Age, EVE, WOW, Everquest, City of Heroes, Lotro, SWTOR, AoC, Rift, The secret World, aso, aso.
All this games had there flaws as well as there strong points, no question about that, some studios have been real pioneers, they took massive risks and did everything possible with the technology available at that time to deliver a great experience, a great game.
I am not even questioning the quality of ESO, the graphics, the quests aso.
What I mean here is that I’m meanwhile absolutely sure that there was a huge battle (of course hidden from the public) between genius Devs and the marketing, and the management of this company, and as always the $ has won.
The PVP part of ESO is based on the genius idea of 3 realms copied from WAR/DAOC and again, as all the studios before. You have completely failed endless server and connection issues who are not addressed (to expensive?)
But never ever I’ve seen a company ripping off, abusing its fans (clients) like you guys!
Going ftp was for the Devs a big defeat and for the marketing, management an opportunity to squeeze out the last penny of a new generation of young ignorant players. (80% of your webpage is full of promotions for worthless pets, mounts aso.)
A very angry old fart who has definitely enough of your miserable greed!
raymond.bintzb16_ESO wrote: »When ESO went ftp, I continued my subscription until today!
The point is that ESO PVP (I only play PVP) had from beta on, huge server and connection issues, but it was playable! They knew it, we knew it! Since the launch of the console version, at least for me, I simply can’t play the game anymore. I can’t, the max time in game I reach is 20-30 min! (And then it was a very lucky session) Since 1-2 weeks, I have to type more often my password than I touch my mouse. Yesterday the max in game time I reached was 2 minutes before I got kicked! Again and again…After the 10th login in less than 10 minutes I gave it up (unknown error!)
No it is NOT my connection, no it is not my PC nor my Laptop. No it is not plugins nor Antivirus! It is an overcrowded server which kicks you as soon as you have the slightest ping variation.
I am so upset because they don’t even try to fix it, they invest in *** content and continue to fill an overcrowded server with more and more players…
raymond.bintzb16_ESO wrote: »When ESO went ftp, I continued my subscription until today!
The point is that ESO PVP (I only play PVP) had from beta on, huge server and connection issues, but it was playable! They knew it, we knew it! Since the launch of the console version, at least for me, I simply can’t play the game anymore. I can’t, the max time in game I reach is 20-30 min! (And then it was a very lucky session) Since 1-2 weeks, I have to type more often my password than I touch my mouse. Yesterday the max in game time I reached was 2 minutes before I got kicked! Again and again…After the 10th login in less than 10 minutes I gave it up (unknown error!)
No it is NOT my connection, no it is not my PC nor my Laptop. No it is not plugins nor Antivirus! It is an overcrowded server which kicks you as soon as you have the slightest ping variation.
I am so upset because they don’t even try to fix it, they invest in *** content and continue to fill an overcrowded server with more and more players…
Asherons_Call wrote: »
This guy likes to say aso
raymond.bintzb16_ESO wrote: »When ESO went ftp, I continued my subscription until today!
The point is that ESO PVP (I only play PVP) had from beta on, huge server and connection issues, but it was playable! They knew it, we knew it! Since the launch of the console version, at least for me, I simply can’t play the game anymore. I can’t, the max time in game I reach is 20-30 min! (And then it was a very lucky session) Since 1-2 weeks, I have to type more often my password than I touch my mouse. Yesterday the max in game time I reached was 2 minutes before I got kicked! Again and again…After the 10th login in less than 10 minutes I gave it up (unknown error!)
No it is NOT my connection, no it is not my PC nor my Laptop. No it is not plugins nor Antivirus! It is an overcrowded server which kicks you as soon as you have the slightest ping variation.
I am so upset because they don’t even try to fix it, they invest in *** content and continue to fill an overcrowded server with more and more players…