Grumpy Old Gamers [GoG] are a community of mature and like minded gamers of ages 25 and above.
The first thing to note about us is that we are not a clan. We are a community. We have several hundred members playing a variety of games (mostly on PS4 and PC).
We currently have over 150 members actively on Elder Scrolls Online and there's a core group of 50 who are always in-game and on guild-chat.
We are primarily a social guild, who group for a variety of challenges (AvA, dungeoning, questing, fooling around, etc.). Although there are a few amongst us who are a fair bit more competitive.
We are in the Aldmeri Dominion (but have some members in the other Alliances) and our members have a variety of levels up to Vet 14, so there should always be someone at your level available to join you.
We have fully levelled crafters in all disciplines and a healthy stockpile of resources. So if you need gear, we should be able to help you.
We now also have several vampires and werewolves within our ranks (obviously, established guildies are first in line for bites).