Waffennacht wrote: »What exactly is an execution move? Is this any move used as a finisher or is it more specific than that?
Waffennacht wrote: »Oh one more question, you said a shield can't be mitigatied, could you elaborate on that a bit more @Skiserony
Don't worry, it's with pleasurealways free to ask anything
So shields in Cyrodiil now are reduced by 15%, with the next big patch shields will get reduced by 50% in total, so compared to now in PvP shields will decrease by 35%. However damage will also be decreased, right now damage is decreased by 20% in Cyrodiil and in next major patch it will be reduced by 50% in total too, so 30% less than now.
So the fact both shields and damage are going to be reduced by almost the same amount, it won't actually nerf your shields. Instead of 12k shield now you'll get a 6k shield, but the incoming damage will be at half too so it doesn't really change anything.
For shields themselves it's a bit too soon to state what's going to be different, there's still a lot of testing to do on the PTS. But for now there isn't going to be much of change.
Waffennacht wrote: »Yeah they'll hit harder but from my experience its not like they were all THAT tough to begin with. It could be different in veteran but aren't the NPC all V12?
Caesar Tantalia wrote: »Waffennacht wrote: »Yeah they'll hit harder but from my experience its not like they were all THAT tough to begin with. It could be different in veteran but aren't the NPC all V12?
I mean the new ones on PTS - are they scaled at v12?
Septimus_Magna wrote: »Ive read that some sorcs on PTS are choosing rapid regen over healing ward because of the damage shield nerf. If the small shields gets destroyed you get no heal plus healing ward isnt always casted on yourself.
Okey, there's a few reason why Sorcs have multiple shields, mostly up to 3 shields actually: Hardened Ward (main), Healing Ward (oh *** shield and heal) and Harness Magicka (very cheap spell shield, only useful against spells but returns magicka).
Sorcs are very very squishy, at least without their shields that is, if they hadn't those they would get oneshot all around Cyrodiil. So the main reason for shield stacking is obviously survivability. The more and the bigger your shields, the longer you'll stay alive. Sometimes and against certain players it might be enough to have just one shield up, but that's mostly not the case and you're much stronger as a Sorc with multiple shields, it makes the Sorc who he is right now, a ver very powerful build.
The cool thing is, where the offense lies with the Sorc, also lies in it's defense, so instead of going for more health or mitigation, the Sorc will get it's survivability from shields which are scaled of the same stat that increases the offensive part, thus magicka. This is why Sorcs will stack magicka, huge pools of magicka. It gives them insane dps and extremely big shields, and because of those extremely big shields that are very cheap they can also stack spell damage tremendously with their gear sets which makes them one of the most strong dps in PvP.
Now to explain the different shields real quick according a (most popular) Sorc who has:
1) extremely high magicka
2) great sustain, even without drink buff
3) low health and very low mitigation
4) a lot of CP spent in increasing damage absorbing effects instead of mitigation
Why these stats? => Shields cannot be mitigated, but neither can be critted. So why invest in defense and mitigation if we always have our shields up, thus bigger shields buys you more time and it's better for sustain, so that basically what a Sorc wants to do, invest in their shields.
- So we got Hardened Ward, which is obviously the main shield, which is ridiculously strong. This one will take the most incoming damage and must ALWAYS be up, no matter what (even when it still has halfway it's strength).
- Then we have Healing Ward, it is not that big of shield when at full health, but once your health decreases the shield will increas up to extremely high numbers, the lower your health the bigger the shield. We use this mainly for an Oh-*** moment and healing spell. So whenever our shields are down and our health is decreasing, we'll put this up which will start with a small heal (which could take you out of execution range, which is very important) and you'll have a crazy heal that you stack with the other shields, giving up a shield 2 or 3 times you health pool. It's important to know that the shield you put up first, is the first one to get damaged, which means if we put up healing ward first it will be destroyed first, which means no crazy big heal from what's left. Therefore you'll mostly use next rotation when necessary: Healing Ward => Hardened Ward (=> Harness Magicka) => Healing Ward. Doing this will make sure your second healing ward will stay up and will probably heal your compete health bar after 6s.
- Then last (and least tbh) Harness Magicka. What's so great about this shield? Against spell users it's an extremely high shield and it's very cheap, however it won't absorb any physical damage, so it's important to know when to use this. But can be extremely effective.
So conclusion, why multiple shields?
1) extreme survivability
2) insane dps
3) big heals
Okey, there's a few reason why Sorcs have multiple shields, mostly up to 3 shields actually: Hardened Ward (main), Healing Ward (oh *** shield and heal) and Harness Magicka (very cheap spell shield, only useful against spells but returns magicka).
Sorcs are very very squishy, at least without their shields that is, if they hadn't those they would get oneshot all around Cyrodiil. So the main reason for shield stacking is obviously survivability. The more and the bigger your shields, the longer you'll stay alive. Sometimes and against certain players it might be enough to have just one shield up, but that's mostly not the case and you're much stronger as a Sorc with multiple shields, it makes the Sorc who he is right now, a ver very powerful build.
The cool thing is, where the offense lies with the Sorc, also lies in it's defense, so instead of going for more health or mitigation, the Sorc will get it's survivability from shields which are scaled of the same stat that increases the offensive part, thus magicka. This is why Sorcs will stack magicka, huge pools of magicka. It gives them insane dps and extremely big shields, and because of those extremely big shields that are very cheap they can also stack spell damage tremendously with their gear sets which makes them one of the most strong dps in PvP.
Now to explain the different shields real quick according a (most popular) Sorc who has:
1) extremely high magicka
2) great sustain, even without drink buff
3) low health and very low mitigation
4) a lot of CP spent in increasing damage absorbing effects instead of mitigation
Why these stats? => Shields cannot be mitigated, but neither can be critted. So why invest in defense and mitigation if we always have our shields up, thus bigger shields buys you more time and it's better for sustain, so that basically what a Sorc wants to do, invest in their shields.
- So we got Hardened Ward, which is obviously the main shield, which is ridiculously strong. This one will take the most incoming damage and must ALWAYS be up, no matter what (even when it still has halfway it's strength).
- Then we have Healing Ward, it is not that big of shield when at full health, but once your health decreases the shield will increas up to extremely high numbers, the lower your health the bigger the shield. We use this mainly for an Oh-*** moment and healing spell. So whenever our shields are down and our health is decreasing, we'll put this up which will start with a small heal (which could take you out of execution range, which is very important) and you'll have a crazy heal that you stack with the other shields, giving up a shield 2 or 3 times you health pool. It's important to know that the shield you put up first, is the first one to get damaged, which means if we put up healing ward first it will be destroyed first, which means no crazy big heal from what's left. Therefore you'll mostly use next rotation when necessary: Healing Ward => Hardened Ward (=> Harness Magicka) => Healing Ward. Doing this will make sure your second healing ward will stay up and will probably heal your compete health bar after 6s.
- Then last (and least tbh) Harness Magicka. What's so great about this shield? Against spell users it's an extremely high shield and it's very cheap, however it won't absorb any physical damage, so it's important to know when to use this. But can be extremely effective.
So conclusion, why multiple shields?
1) extreme survivability
2) insane dps
3) big heals
Ok now explain how the *** any class can kill sorcerer in a duel??!