Am I the only one thinking that two handed weaponry should count as two pieces for a set of armour so that two-handed, bows, and staves can actually get full benefit of armour sets? I always feel like my guild's mages are getting shafted on that aspect and I regularly have to turn people away from two-handed because they're losing out on having more bonuses on their armour due to it only counting as one piece. Surely that wouldn't be too difficult to remedy? There's even a thread discussing how staves aren't viable for high spell damage builds due to this and the fact that dual wield boost spell damage further than staves can. Archers cannot get benefits as strongly either. I feel like it would be a real simple fix to make it to where all your possible setups have the ability to get nine bonuses from crafted sets instead of some getting knocked down a peg.
Former Guildmaster of the Legion of Mournhold
XBL: GuyNamedSean
PC: GuyNamedSeanPC