100k Sanctum Ophidia - Beyond Infinity

WE [snip] did it

We worked on it alot to get the first 100k+ Score in a Trial and now we are just in tears of pure joy.

Thanks alot to:

Akatenshi, for screaming loud and putting fire into the Serpent BBQ
Anthor Incand, for amazing tanking, bubbles and being the perfect allrounder
Corpus, for MORE DOTS
Dymence, for the extraordinary damage and always being on point
Eleerya, for putting in amazing work since you joined us 2weeks ago ;)
Excelsiore, for the most awesome heal possible
Kàr Zuku, for insane damage and the only death Q.Q ;)
Kyyuu, for the 'spin to win' duel wield
Razóx, for burning everything again after a long break, glad you're back.
Seiryn Aerith, for all the Veils, Funnels and ultimate machines ;)
Senaxu. as always for freaking "pew pew pew" lovely lamia killer
Woeler, for the best tanking and always being the one who calms the raid down ;)

Special thanks to Mamz, Eucken and everyone who helped us out past weeks to make it possible.


and to the critics: 10/12 haven't had a pvp-buff // and not we don't have 2 million cp. Yeah we got some with over average but we also have 4ppl with under 300.

We are going to celebrate now and hope you appreciate our little achievement ;)

Greetings from
Beyond Infinity and the Raidgroup Animals

[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
Edited by ZOS_Brett on August 12, 2015 5:25AM
Unchained Animals - EU - @Baumlaus
  • Woeler
    I'm sad the server didn't crash with a 6 symbol score :(
  • MCMancub
    Nice job!
  • Kyoma
    Gratz from Baby Face Bananas! :D Edit: yea sadly no y2k here. :(
    Edited by Kyoma on August 11, 2015 7:28PM
    Will I be able to forget all the wounds that pierce my flesh?
    You and your childish justice. I'll rip it to pieces.
    Come on, it's showtime. A rain of blood like a volcano
    And now I'll blow all of you and you and you...
    All to tiny pieces. All to tiny pieces.
  • Garion
    Impressive work!
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • Jbugz97
    NB v14 / DC / Shades of Jbugz
    DK v12 / DC / Fear of Jbugz

    Now Playing on xbox
    GT : J Bugz 3
    DC for life
    Magika NB
  • Senaxu
    Mantikora + Serpent kill: The Animals (tactics but not the speedrun)

    Edited by Senaxu on August 11, 2015 7:38PM
    Unbroken EU
    Senaxu - AD Sorcerer
    Senaxu's Smurf - DC Sorcerer
    PvE-Scores(2.1): AA: 1182439 - 06:58 | HR: 114065 - 06:56 | SO: 151067 - 12:27 | DSA: 23457 - 34:36

    "There is still room up"
  • Cuyler
    Yowza! gratz

    Baumlaus wrote: »
    no we are not using the mundus stone bug (unbelievable right?)
    Not to dimish your accomplishment, seriously congrats, but 1:43 and 2:05 in the vid shows at least two with double mundus active. They actually using twice-born? ;)
    Edited by Cuyler on August 11, 2015 8:01PM
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • Rioht
    All I could think of is what if this was done on console.

    The user tags in your pic would be 69onumom, fagzor2000, L2PNuB and Douchecanoe etc.
  • Baumlaus
    That would acutally be really funny^^
    Unchained Animals - EU - @Baumlaus
  • cokris
    Gj guys! Grats! <3
    Banana Squad | KiteSquad |
    Ciara + Caíth + Cassiia + other toons starting with a C
    Faction jumper < 3
  • Woeler
    Cuyler wrote: »
    Yowza! gratz

    Baumlaus wrote: »
    no we are not using the mundus stone bug (unbelievable right?)
    Not to dimish your accomplishment, seriously congrats, but 1:43 and 2:05 in the vid shows at least two with double mundus active. They actually using twice-born? ;)

    That video is from a run on august 3rd, not the 100k one.
    Edited by Woeler on August 11, 2015 9:04PM
  • Baumlaus
    the good part about this is when you start to remember the times where you were like "oh we got 54k and are #1. there are only like 5k more points in it not more" and now we stand there with 100k ;)
    Unchained Animals - EU - @Baumlaus
  • RizaHawkeye
    Congratulations. That is pretty freakin awesome!

    War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

    The heroes during times of war, are nothing but mass murderers during times of peace.

    Riza Hawkeye

    Learn to play, or resign to become one of pieces that is meant to be sacrificed.

  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    gz guys
    https://alcasthq.com - Alcasthq.com Builds & Guides
    https://eso-hub.com - ESO-Hub.com Sets, Skills, Guides & News
    https://dwemerautomaton.com - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • Corrupted_Soul
    Nice work guys
    Corrupted_Soul - V16 DK - PS4 NA
  • Eucken
    B) Wooohooo very f**n nice guys! B)
  • The_Saint

    Nice work
    Samuel Crow - Nachtklinge - PC-EU-DC
    Saint_Crow Twitch / Youtube
    ESO Stream Team Partner
    Ok, gz, 100k... but what for? Its old, useless content.
    Aetherius Eight guild. World 1st HM SO team member.

  • andy_s
    World First SO HM 100k score, gz, you will be remembered :)
    World's First Cloudrest Hardmode + Speed Run + No Death w/ HODOR
    Tick-Tock Tormentor & All vHoF Achievements done w/ Chimaira
    World's First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (patch 1.5)
    World#2 vMoL All Achievements w/ Aquila Raiders
  • F7sus4
    Official GZ apart from all the talks we already had on private. Well, 5k more and we meet again. :)
  • actosh
    Awesome, GZ!
  • Cîanai
    R3DTHR3AT wrote: »
    Ok, gz, 100k... but what for? Its old, useless content.

    It's the only Raidcontent we have at the moment.
  • Tors
    Double mundis turns it all to rubbish

    The fact the benefit is minor means nothing

    Saying "oh that was a different run" means nothing too

    Cheating is cheating, and once busted no one is going to trust you again.

    Who gives a monkeys if your guys suddenly had a change of heart and stopped cheating all of a sudden, no one is going to believe you.

    All we see is someone posting about their amazing achievement using all the exploits they can

    Good job guys
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
    Cîanai wrote: »
    R3DTHR3AT wrote: »
    Ok, gz, 100k... but what for? Its old, useless content.

    It's the only Raidcontent we have at the moment.

    Rly? Then you have more content then I expected - 100k score in AA & HRC :D

    Aetherius Eight guild. World 1st HM SO team member.

  • DerpyShadowz
    Gratz ^_^
    Lurking in the shadows.
  • Jeckll
    Well done. I don't care if you had a million cp, 12 mundus stones, immortal tanks and a batman as 13th raid member.
    Jeckll has quit the game. Thanks for the great time.
  • andy_s
    Tors wrote: »
    Double mundis turns it all to rubbish

    Double is too simple...

    Edited by andy_s on August 12, 2015 10:12AM
    World's First Cloudrest Hardmode + Speed Run + No Death w/ HODOR
    Tick-Tock Tormentor & All vHoF Achievements done w/ Chimaira
    World's First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (patch 1.5)
    World#2 vMoL All Achievements w/ Aquila Raiders
  • Baumlaus
    100k Scores arent possible in AA & HRC sadly. You had to make a 2:30min time in both trials to get to 100k xD.

    And yeah sadly its the only content we got past 14month now.
    Unchained Animals - EU - @Baumlaus
  • Baumlaus
    andy.s wrote: »
    Tors wrote: »
    Double mundis turns it all to rubbish

    Double is too simple...


    good thing that isnt one of us xD

    Unchained Animals - EU - @Baumlaus
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