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A question about Cyrodil and PVP in general.

Hello. So, I have a bit of a issue.

I want to go to Cyrodil. And I also want to explore the Imperial City when it comes out. But the thing is... I can't stand PVP. I mean, don't get me wrong, I WANT to love it. It looks fun and I want to try it. But I also DON'T want to try it. I'm not gonna lie, I'm the sort of people who takes spending a hour to collect Ter Val Stones only to lose them all to another player because I have a inferior build/they are a natural level 50 vs my boosted 50, or trying to take a keep, only to die in the first wave... poorly. And thus it gives me a fear of PVP, because well I don't like to lose a million times to better players to put it simply. It frustrates the living hell out of me.

So a coupld of questions:

Is there a way I can explore Cyrodil without worry?
Failing that, have yo got any tips for a loner in PVP?
Add anything here you think I need to know.
  • requin02
    -get into pvp slowly, learn the best playstyle for you and your build
    And slowly you will start enjoying it and it will make you a better player overall
    Just don't run into me )
  • Woftis
    I have the same issue. I think a large part of it for me is trying to do it alone so I'm trying to get involved with a more active guild that I can hopefully take on PVP with.
  • Junglejim82
    Are you in this game for the long haul? If you are go into cyrodil . Becoming good at pve is satisfying. Becoming good at pvp is much more rewarding I'd suggest spending more time in cyrodil it's pretty noob friendly imo to begin with being that you can jump In a zerg and contribute and gain ap while having fun . Then as you get better drop off from the packs and start finding small fights in the towns and delves . General rule I've found in mmos is last year's noob is next year's beast . It's all about the time you put in. Our guild won't be truly top tier for months to come we all need to get fully geared, cps etc but we know once were on that level albeit slower than others with the time we have to play that well stay there that's when it really starts to get fun for us . It's no fun being ganked , won't be fun losing stones but the flip side is you will be doing the same and getting better. The alternative is stagnating in pve without the latest and greatest drops available. Research your class for pvp and build for it and you won't have an inferior build just roll with the punches pvp is a huge part of this game
    Stamblade extrordinaire (for now)
    Mass Terror /elders of anarchy ps4 e.u
    Daggerfalls finest

    Always looking for serious pvpers not afraid to mic up. See below
  • Springt-Über-Zwerge
    In the case you have a low lvl character go into low lvl pvp the max lvl there is lvl 49 so noone will be too strong as long as they dont have 600+ cp and since everyone has more life there wont be 2-3 shots from stealth like I do with my Nb on Thornblade.

    Or try to watch videos of good pvpers on youtube like Sypher. They have build vidoes/streams where you can learn a lot from and ask them questions. I would recommend to not just copy their builds because they are made for their playstyle. Make some adjustments and play how you feel most comfortable.
    PC,EU, EP
    Der-über-Zwerge-springt (Argonian, Magplar), Surtur Velothi (Dunmer, Magdk), Jaqene H'ghar (Imperial, Stamblade), Puppyslayer (Orc, Stamdk), Dagoth Era (Dunmer, Magblade), Æthmon Trevas (Altmer, Magsorc), Der-Zuletzt-Lacht (Argonian, Magden), Sir-Lanzeflott (Redguard, Stamplar)
  • Magdalina
    In the case you have a low lvl character go into low lvl pvp the max lvl there is lvl 49 so noone will be too strong as long as they dont have 600+ cp and since everyone has more life there wont be 2-3 shots from stealth like I do with my Nb on Thornblade.

    Or try to watch videos of good pvpers on youtube like Sypher. They have build vidoes/streams where you can learn a lot from and ask them questions. I would recommend to not just copy their builds because they are made for their playstyle. Make some adjustments and play how you feel most comfortable.

    Actually some of them do have 600+ CP because they're lowbie alts of vet players:/

    Try joining a nice friendly PvP guild maybe? Or if you have friends who're into it ask them to help you get it into it slowly. It's much better and less frustrating for a new player if you're not in there alone, even if it's just one friend you're running with.
  • srs121
    Basically Pvp is in a nut shell a giant spread out battle with constant chaos, and waves of peace.

    When you first enter cryodiil it can be overwhelming, the maps huge, tons of players running in all directions, new icons on the map, etc..

    First of all to exit Pvp you must go to one of your alliances starting gates and use then way shrine to exit. A lot of players get frustrated since they can not just use their map and click and teleport. Traveling between alliance owned keeps can be done at any of the cyrodiil way shrines (looks like a podium with blue fire) and click a friendly keep or outpost. (Note, that keeps or outposts under attack can not be wayshrined to, and they must be connected with a link [a alliance color line that goes between keeps/outposts])

    You will also notice on your map several new symbols that appear frequently. Most important symbol is the crossed swords, these swords show which alliances have just had a conflict or are currently engaged in battle (blue is dc, red is ep, and yellow is ad. The sword colors will show which alliance is battling). These swords can also have a color sword for each alliance showing that this is in fact a 3 way battle. The size of the conflict will directly correspond to the size of the swords on the map, and larger conflicts will be labeled as such when you hover over that cross swords icon.

    Keeps and outposts will have a yellow "explosion" or glow to their icons when they are underattack. You can simply hover over the keep/outpost for more details on the battle (such as the alliance owner, attacking alliance(s) and the number of siege equipment currently deployed at that location)

    There are several scrolls inside cyrodiil which grant the alliance who has captured them bonuses to the players within that alliance, capturing these successfully will yeild the bonuses to the alliance who captured them, and remove the bonus from the previous owner. you can view the location of these scrolls by simply looking at your map, they are represented by 'scroll' icons. Whenever someone has stolen a scroll and is attempting to run it back to their alliances keeps you will be able to see the scroll icon on your map, which is updated as they move around. These scrolls will grant you and your alliance great bonuses both inside and outside of cryodiil.

    If one alliance captures all the keeps around the Imperil City (located in the dead center of cryodiil), an emperor will be crowned for that alliance. The emperor gains a costume, title, and a special skill line (making them very dangerous and strong). Emperor is always the player who is he highest on the leaderboard for that alliance. (You can view the leaderboard under options>campaign and viewing the campaign your in). Having all 6 keeps around imperial city will also grant your alliance a +35 hp per level bonus. Which also affects your entire alliance inside and outside of Cyrodiil.

    You can purchase siege equipment from any siege merchant, they are located at your alliances gates (shield icons in the corners) or in various keeps/outposts. To use these make sure they are assigned to your quick slot wheel, make them the active one on It, simply hit the up arrow(console) when the circle is yellow... Then fire away!

    You can earn alliance points in various ways. Capturing resources, keeps and outposts, killing other players, completing quests and bounties, healing etc.. Alliance points are like a form of currency and can be used to purchase various siege equipment, and items while visiting cyrodiil merchants.

    Each keep has 3 different resource bases around it, each doing a different buff to that keep. A lumber mill increases the doors of that keep, a farm increases the npcs health, and a mine increases the strength of the walls. Capturing these will allow you to capture a keep easier.

    If you are new, try to stay with the large groups, be aware of enemy siege equipment (they will have aoe circles appear where they are about the hit), avoid the front lines at first til you get the hang of it. Be aware of your surroundings, don't be afraid to retreat if the odds are not in your favor. Just because someone is a higher level then you does not meAn you will lose, take time to try different builds and see what kind of play style fits you best.

    Cryodiil also has sky shards, delves, daily repeatable quests, items to harvest, fishing locations, hidden treasures, enemy npcs, and even dark anchors.
    Interested in joining a PvE focused clan? Feel free to contact me.

    Alliance : Aldmeri Dominion
    Platform : Playstation 4
    PSN : srs121
    Server : North American
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