tl;dr: Please fix the 2h blocking posture! It looks awkward and unrealistic.Disclaimer: This is about the visual quality of animations, not about the animation skipping/weaving hoopla. However, with the latter being a hot topic (and some changes supposedly inbound), this might be a big chance to overhaul the visual quality of some animations, too.
Combat animations have always been my major issue with ESO, dating back to closed beta, where I posted a lot of feedback about this topic in the beta forums and the in-game feedback forms. Of course, back then, there were even bigger issues with the overall "responsiveness" of combat, but those have been addressed long ago. And quite successfully so (proper sound efffects and collision detection helped a lot).
Thing is: ESO's combat animations and their fluidity are mostly great (by MMO standards). But a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and a few unfortunate design decisions can have a great impact on the perceived overall quality of animations.
The most glaring issue has already been fixed with the first animations overhaul in Update 6: The overall combat postures look a lot better now, with characters standing more upright and less like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. However, I hope this was just a first step into the right direction, as we all spend a lot of our time in this game with combat (and in 3rd person cam, since it's an MMO). Therefore, making this aspect of the game look & feel right goes a long way when it comes to immersion - the latter being one of
the major competitive advantages ESO has in the current MMO market.
Speaking of weak links... which is currently the weakest one among ESO's combat animations?
Blocking/Parrying with two-handed weapons!*
In my humble opinion, #ThisIsNotSkyrim and even Oblivion did a better job here. I would have a lot more examples, but I want to stick to Elder Scrolls games for this illustration. Also, it might be easier to implement these, as the assets do exist within the same company already (ok, that's probably just outright naive from me).
The pictures I am going to post don't exactly do the whole topic ustice. It's hard to capture what's "off" with ESO's 2h block animations in static pictures, as you have to see it in motion, from different angles, standing, walking and when blocking blows.
But still: it's better to have *something* to look at, when discussing visuals, than basing everything off the pictures in our heads.
The comparison:

While the Skyrim animation (which is quite similar to what you see in other games such as DS, TW3 etc) has a slightly over-the-top heroic vibe to it (which the nerd in me LOVES), the Oblivion animation is similar to what we got in ESO - but does feel more "real" with a tightly gripped sword hilt, combat-ready body tension and a shoulder position which looks much more ready to riposte - all within the limits of a 10 years old engine, of course.
The 2h blocking in ESO looks like something I would rather expect from someone holding a rifle or bayonet:

Now I know it's not as easy as "copy that piece of code from Skyrim into ESO" and that this kind of change most likely has an impact on half a dozen systems and mechanics. I am also fully aware of the fact that all our devs and designers are busy with IC and the upcoming DLCs in general.
But maybe there is a slight chance that improving some of the parry/block animations makes it onto "the list" (yes, I mean your list, @ZOS_RichLambert !).
That's all I ask for.
Another piece of the puzzle towards making ESO
the real deal.
I am, by the way, quite happy with the other parry/block animations in this game. While blocking with a bow is quite a daring thing to to do anyway, staff blocking looks good, dual wielding has a proper florentine parry and shield blocking looks solid (albeit a little static).
* Ok, it is in fact blocking/parrying with a one-handed weapon; but as long as there is no skill-tree for one-handed weapons, technically there is no reaon why any player would ever wield a one-handed weapon without a shield.

If I hide behind my sword, maybe my enemy won't see me?