How can you block a poison? or even a Bleed? I can understand to use a cleanse ...but blocking? come on!
I guess in ESO 1+1=3
This game just cracks me up, its amazing how great and fun it is.
I am a NB, its all about stealth to me, I shot a sorc with 1 shot and he bolted away. Now I am stuck in combat for over 4 minutes and I have to sit there and spam shadow cloak because my class which is all about stealth, only gets a 2.9s stealth cloak ........FN STUPID!!!.
Reflect is 4s and I love how DK just sit there and spam reflect and do nothing, other then laugh there ass off, saying " attack all you want fools"
I seriously hope they make big changes soon, if something else comes out I am gone, the aggravation to this game is just not worth it.
[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on language]
Edited by ZOS_MatM on August 7, 2015 1:07AM Savoifair, EP NB
If you break something, you can glue it back together and fix it, but, it will always be broken...