Over the last few years, MMO's have been trickling into the console market. With out a doubt, in the 15 years of playing multiple MMOs, I've come to respect the PC community over console community in terms of sharing, helping and what not. I'm not saying console players don't do this, but in the fact that it is indeed more difficult to ask for help, especially as a beginning player.
In the PC version of any mmos, you'll most likely if not always have multiple ways of communicating for anything. Whether it be through guild chat, local chat, VOIP programs, global chat and so on.
With the console versions of ESO, you get a voice chat, and that's about it.
Now, with the problem from voice chat is that the game relies on the players taking initiative to getting things done via using the voice chat and adding players to guilds and progressing from there. However, when you are allocated to join up to 5 guild at a time, it becomes almost impossible to be in the same voice chat as someone who is willing to do the same things you are doing.
Now, I'm not saying there aren't guilds dedicated to helping new and veteran players, it's just indeed difficult to set up anything.
The beauty of MMOS in my opinion is the overwhelming and vast amount of anything and everything to do. Including communication tools.
This entire summary so far is my opinion just on the PVE side of things.
PVP is where it gets even worst. In PVP, fighting on consoles, it seems half of the individuals are indeed, no other word to describe it, Cocky. The other half are either new, looking for a group, trying to help individuals and it becomes a stalemate with in your own faction on getting stuff done. Now, granted, I am playing on Azura PS4 NA server and always have fights going on. But it becomes a problem of having too much pride and ignorance to where it makes everyone not a team player and only for themselves.
What can we honestly do about this?
Guild Text Chat would be a huge addition to this game. Why? Because everyone can read it, and everyone can opt out of the text chat at anytime, however it would add an extremely useful communication tool to get stuff going.
I don't know how many times I've tried to get guildies together and they weren't on, not interested , or doing other things. So this makes me quiver on the fact I have to wait for someone to log in, to finish or around my area who indeed wants to do the same thing.
With the group finder being extremely slow and most of the time non useful and becomes a waste of time (A lot of pub players leave after one or two wipes in dungeons), it becomes almost not worth trying.
With a guild text chat option, you minimize spam, you up your communication awareness and you essentially have a better flow in game.
I started this game with 5 friends and none of them play because of how hard it is to group with random people whom are seeking the same things they are.
For someone who only has a controller and a microphone, this is somewhat of a difficult task to ask of them.
Now, granted, the less cluttered screen is surely nice, but something must be done to speed up this issue.
I am in a few guilds with 300+ members,and having connections is always a good way to gain items, help, etc....
But again, without a very active and helpful guild, new members are even at a greater risk than usual on quitting entirely.
There has to be some sort of addon communication text box to this game or I don't feel it will go much further in terms of population.
ESO is very basic to learn, but I feel it's too basic on a lot of things. Communication is a must with MMOS, and it lacks the tools to effectively communicate.
What do you guys think?
PC and PS4 EP only player