Hi there, reading the patch notes I was wondering wether some people are indeed able to quest in zones they should be able to enter for the first time during cadwells silver/gold. Well, i know, this is not what is writen in the patch notes: ..."Fixes & Improvements
Quests & Zones
Main Quest
Cadwell's Silver and Cadwell's Gold: You will no longer become blocked from completing these quests if you jump to a friend or otherwise teleport to Silver/Gold zones before you actually interact with the Light of Meridia.
... but for me it surely sounds like that. :-D
And since I am not willing to abuse my characters role I will not be able to finish cadwells quests and like the opportunity to visit and explore the missing region, too. However untill now I was not able to transport there, so could the devs pls make sure that travelling to players in zones you can't enter on your own works for everyone, pls?
Adding to this I would like to know if the time for the removal of cadwells quests has been stated yet.