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Needy nightblade!

Soul Shriven
I have tried many builds on my v1 nb. Dw/bow 2h/dw 2h/bow. Etc etc. Always a melee build.
I've always kept it a stealth build running with nights silence set. I cannot figure out how to get heavy damage out.
I always die almost as soon as I jump in the fight. What am I doing wrong here?
Here's my combo with dw- reapers mark, ambush, shadowy disguise, concealed weapon, blinding strikes.
I'm never satisfied with my Dps. 1v1 = another loss. I really appreciate some advice from you seasoned players.
I've looked up so many builds and I guess I'm just not doing them correctly. Thank you for your time.
  • XvXSkippyXvX
    Soul Shriven
    Edit: armor set is also 5 medium 2 heavy. Mostly stamina base.
  • marco.cuevas.ventob14_ESO
    I'm a new NB player currently at level 48.

    Just some things that I've learned about the NB.

    You have to chose your fights carefully. Chose soft targets.

    Night Silence set is good. But if you want more damage have someone make you
    the Hunding's set you are already receiving a movement buff with concealed weapon.
    so 5 Hunding set piece/2 Night silence + night silence bow+night silence 2 daggers. This
    will give you a better critical rating.

    Get the Medium Armor passive to get 6% more dmg
    Camo Hunter

    I infuse all my armor to get a bonus to enchantments usually Stamina.

    Run with NB packs in PVP. I have won some 1v1 battles but I don't really do many of those.

    Check out that Hunding's set and last but not least legend your primary weapon it makes a huge

  • Sanct16
    Why would you use Concealed Weapon on a Stamina build?

    Apart from that:
    1. get v14
    2. use nirnhoned on every crafted set piece
    3. use sharpened maces exploit
    4. stack weapon damage sets
    5. dodge 24/7
    - EU - Raid Leader of Banana Zerg Squad
    AD | AR 50 | Sanct Fir'eheal | ex Mana DK @31.10.2015
    EP | AR 50 | Sanctosaurus | Mana NB
    AD | AR 44 | rekt ya | Mana NB
    AD | AR 41 | Sanct Thunderstorm | Mana Sorc
    EP | AR 36 | S'na'ct | Mana NB {NA}
    AD | AR 29 | Captain Full Fist| Stam DK
    AD | AR 29 | Sanct The Dark Phoenix| Stam Sorc
    EP | AR 16 | Horny Sanct | Stam Warden
    EP | AR 16 | Sánct Bánáná Sláyér | Mana DK
    DC | AR 13 | ad worst faction eu | Stam Sorc
    DC | AR 13 | Lagendary Sanct | Mana NB

    >320.000.000 AP
  • Lava_Croft
    Sanct16 wrote: »
    Why would you use Concealed Weapon on a Stamina build?

    Apart from that:
    1. get v14
    2. use nirnhoned on every crafted set piece
    3. use sharpened maces exploit
    4. stack weapon damage sets
    5. dodge 24/7
    I guess dual Mundus is already a given?
    Edited by Lava_Croft on August 3, 2015 3:22PM
  • kadar
    Sanct16 wrote: »
    Why would you use Concealed Weapon on a Stamina build?

    Apart from that:
    1. get v14
    2. use nirnhoned on every crafted set piece
    3. use sharpened maces exploit
    4. stack weapon damage sets
    5. dodge 24/7

    He's got a cheeky way of saying but he's basically right. I am currently only doing #1, 4, and 5 from his list and I am just fine in Cyrodiil right now. Tons of KBS, very few deaths. Aside from that...

    2H/bow is really nice. You never specifically stated if you were stam or magicka?
    If stam, the heal from 2H Rally skill is a lifesaver for me (I don't have vigor yet). Rally combined with Double take (Morph of Blur), combined with well timed roll dodges make me very hard to kill. Even with full medium and very low health.

    And I would also recommend taking Dark Cloak over Shadowy Disquise. Cloak removes Dots from you upon use. DoTs that can pull you out of stealth or kill you. INCLUDING seige damage. The guaranteed crit from Disquise is nice but you already have such a hight crit chance the benefit is questionable. Also if you're dead, you can't crit.

    Hope this helps!
  • Gunphu
    Grind for VR14 and get VR14 gear. Use 2H/Bow for Rally, good burst, and some ranged.
    Stack weapon damage and some sustain for dodge roling. Open with a strong burst combo. One example would be to snipe and while its traveling heavy attack cancel into poison injection with an immediate ambush or crit charge. They should all arrive at nearly the same time. If they are not dead fear and execute.

    If you do not know how to weave then you are missing out on alot of damage potential.
  • bsmorrowb14_ESO
    Gunphu wrote: »
    Grind for VR14 and get VR14 gear. Use 2H/Bow for Rally, good burst, and some ranged.
    Stack weapon damage and some sustain for dodge roling. Open with a strong burst combo. One example would be to snipe and while its traveling heavy attack cancel into poison injection with an immediate ambush or crit charge. They should all arrive at nearly the same time. If they are not dead fear and execute.

    If you do not know how to weave then you are missing out on alot of damage potential.

    As a NB, what did you find was the best way to grind out the Veteran Ranks?
  • Gunphu
    AoE grind undead mobs. Sypherpk has a video on youtube for nightblade AoE grinding. If you find a good spot you can get a VR rank every 2-3 hours.
  • Vizier
    Night Silence is decent. If you are primarily using it for the stealth speed though you should go vampire and get rid of Night Silence. Increased Stamina does help with physical damage but you get more from sets that provide weapon damage increases.

    Don't be afraid to experiment but you really need to get to V14 before you can truly solidify your build and take advantage of end game gear. Save your AP for V14 boxes. Anything less is a waste of AP.

    Try something like 5 piece hundings (use weapon slots for 1 piece) 3 pieces of Dreugh King Slayer, 3 piece shadow walker. Get warrior mundus and use sharpened on your weapons, Stamina enchants on armor, with weapon damage enchants on your weapons and jewelry. This is just one of many possible builds. Experiment and find what works for you. The above will likely show you a great increase in weapon damage.
  • theWILHELM
    Soul Shriven
    Go Magicka Vampire Destro/Restro NB :)
  • Tankqull
    become max lvl is the main hint as you do not get any usefull jewlery before hand as a stamina spec.

    become a vampire - its sad but the stealthspeed increasement is rather crucial and night silance is a garbage set to achiev comparable and then use surprise attack instead of concealed weapon as none of the 3 stacks with each other.

    when maxlvl gather equipment wich is futile and your biggest disadvantage beforehand:
    rather cheap option: 3x shadowalker (2x rings,1 complementing the rest as cheap as possible), 3x dreugh kings (jewlery, torso, legs), 5x hundings (including weapons)
    (im using - 4x shadowwalker, 3x air [as i prefer more stamina reg over the dmg of dreugh] 5 times hunding, using dw(sword+mace)/2h as weapons.

    do not announce your attacking by placing mark before you attack it´ll gimp your dmg as you are going to hit any kind of shield either magical or physical.
    a good opening rotation would be ambush, soul harvest, surprise attack -> [20k+ dmg] than it depends on your opponents behaviour: fear, brute force him down by further light attack+SA/killerblade+(bash), apply mark, cloak you are going to have many options.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Xael
    I have tried many builds on my v1 nb. Dw/bow 2h/dw 2h/bow. Etc etc. Always a melee build.
    I've always kept it a stealth build running with nights silence set. I cannot figure out how to get heavy damage out.
    I always die almost as soon as I jump in the fight. What am I doing wrong here?
    Here's my combo with dw- reapers mark, ambush, shadowy disguise, concealed weapon, blinding strikes.
    I'm never satisfied with my Dps. 1v1 = another loss. I really appreciate some advice from you seasoned players.
    I've looked up so many builds and I guess I'm just not doing them correctly. Thank you for your time.

    I would recommend you change your sets.
    Determine first how you wish to level. Is it going to be from PvE or PvP? I recommend knocking out your Cadwells to be honest. It will give you more skill points and give you access to all the zones. That said, any set is fine for this but if you want to squeeze out extra damage just do 5pc Hundings 3-4pc Ashen Grip. That's very easy to do. Otherwise I would build around your playstyle.

    Next, respec. Change Concealed Weapon to Surprise Attack. I am assuming you use Concealed for the passive speed in tandem with the 5pc from Night's Silence. Just get a vampire bite and use Dark Stalker and you are good to go. Surprise Attack will be your bread and butter alongside Flying Blade from DW. I also recommend you change Shadowy Disguise to Dark Cloak and put Steel Tornado on your bar for AoE (pve). Mind you I am talking about PvE but this stuff will overlap for PvP. Make sure you also use Incapacitating Strike on your melee bar and either Meteor/Dawnbreaker or Soul Tether on your other bar. Soul Tether is an awesome ult. In fact NBs have great ults.

    I would not bother with Mark nor would I use Blinding Strikes for leveling purposes (or blinding in PvP). I would put 2h on your other bar and make use of Rally for your heal and Major Brutality buff. I would also have Relentless Focus, Camo Hunter, and Double Take on your bar and keep a 100% uptime of these buffs. This will also overlap to PvP. If you want more damage you need to have armor (or spell) penetration, weapon (or spell) damage (2k and up should be goal), and a decent amount of Crit chance (try to hit 50). Regarding PvP, it's mostly having good map awareness and know-how. Knowing when to take a fight or pass one up plays a role as well. Gear, levels, and weapon/class skills only get you so far.

    Your overall goal though should be leveling. You can do it through PvP or PvE, I would do both. Try and get your PvP Alliance War Rank (Assault) skill to 7 so you have Magicka Detonation, Caltrops, and Vigor (patch 2.1) When you get Assault up you will also have Support which will give you access to Efficient Purge. These will give you a lot of options in the future. Otherwise just take your time and learn what you can. If you need any advice, just message me here and I will do my best to help you out.
    I got killed in pvp, nerf everything...
  • XvXSkippyXvX
    Soul Shriven
    Right now I'm trying the 2h/bow build slowly leveling and unlocking the better skills. I'm thinking the armor sets I want will be
    4- Hunding rage, 4- Night mothers gaze and 4- Ravager pvp set(2h,necklace, 2 rings). I do agree with must level before anything, just feels like it takes forever. 2 dungeons and not even half a level gained. Sticking to questing I think is the overall fastest way to get it done. I've tried other ways to power level but nothing beats questing. I appreciate all of the input. Keep it coming! I look forward to whatever else comes my way! I have given up on stealth and want higher damage output if possible they die before they know what hit them. Magicka detonation for sure.
  • Gunphu
    5 - Hundings 1- 2H & 1- Bow plus 4 armor.
    4 - Morag Tong.
    2 - Shadow Walker.

    Is another nice setup for a high damage 2h build.

    If you need more sustain you could look into swapping Morag Tong for 3 pieces way of the air and 3 piece shadow walker.
  • Truewavesound
    Right now I'm trying the 2h/bow build slowly leveling and unlocking the better skills. I'm thinking the armor sets I want will be
    4- Hunding rage, 4- Night mothers gaze and 4- Ravager pvp set(2h,necklace, 2 rings). I do agree with must level before anything, just feels like it takes forever. 2 dungeons and not even half a level gained. Sticking to questing I think is the overall fastest way to get it done. I've tried other ways to power level but nothing beats questing. I appreciate all of the input. Keep it coming! I look forward to whatever else comes my way! I have given up on stealth and want higher damage output if possible they die before they know what hit them. Magicka detonation for sure.

    Hi mate, this is all kinds of wrong, as you've managed to avoid the best set bonuses in both Ravager and Hundings. If you're using either (or both) of those sets, make sure you take the full 5-piece
  • Reeko
    Without going too in-depth and repeating what others have said i will just give you my loadout when i PvP.

    5 Hundings Rage, 2 Ashen Grip all medium armor (Don't have Undaunted passive yet) all with max stamina glyphs.

    Sharpened Mace wih Fire enchant and Ashen Grip/Precise Sword with Lightning enchant and Ashen Grip
    Precise Bow with Disease enchant and Ashen Grip

    Chest, Legs, Helm infused
    Hands, Feet, Belt, Shoulders Divines

    Shadow mundus stone.

    DW bar:
    Surprise Attack
    Dark Cloak
    Mass Hysteria
    Killers Blade
    Ultimate: Soul Harvest

    Bow bar:
    Lethal Arrow
    Poison Injection
    Relentless Focus
    Camo Hunter
    Piercing Mark
    Ultimate: Soul Tether

    Rotation: Relentless and hunter, mark target then lethal arrow. Switch and Ambush before arrow hits. Immediatly fear then soul harvest into surprise. When less than 25% killers blade till dead. Use roll and cloak to break melee and reapply buffs. Maybe hit them with poison then ambush to fear again.

    I realize i lack a self heal. When i get Vigor i may replace camo hunter.
  • Xael
    Right now I'm trying the 2h/bow build slowly leveling and unlocking the better skills. I'm thinking the armor sets I want will be
    4- Hunding rage, 4- Night mothers gaze and 4- Ravager pvp set(2h,necklace, 2 rings). I do agree with must level before anything, just feels like it takes forever. 2 dungeons and not even half a level gained. Sticking to questing I think is the overall fastest way to get it done. I've tried other ways to power level but nothing beats questing. I appreciate all of the input. Keep it coming! I look forward to whatever else comes my way! I have given up on stealth and want higher damage output if possible they die before they know what hit them. Magicka detonation for sure.

    I would hold off the armor sets that will cost you money (Tong, Shadow Walker, etc). New patch is a few weeks away and new sets / cheaper alternatives will be available. Stick with Hundings and whatever 3/4 piece you want. Don't bother with Night Mother's Gaze, particularly if you use a Sharpened Mace.

    If you want fast levels nothing is quicker than grinding mobs, whether in a delve or in the open world. Questing is probably the slowest way to gain levels, however it is best to do the cadwells quests in tandem with world bosses/dolmens (fighters guild xp) and grinding. DW is getting a significant buff and if you use Ambush already you will only need Rally for the heal unless you are happy with just Vigor. You have options. Personally I would run both. Regarding bow, poison damage is now going to scale from weapon/spell damage, so if you plan on using venom arrow/acid spray/lethal arrow, stacking weapon is even more important than I mentioned earlier. It doesn't matter which route you go, you will find a good template with most of the weapon skill builds. NB are rather flexible.

    You say you want higher dmg output before they know what hit them, stealth is what you want. You not only have passives that synergize with Sneak, but you gain the sneak attack ability which gains extra damage from your buffs like Empower, Major Brutality, Minor Berserk, etc. You can either build around snipe or a heavy melee attack. I used to run bow, but now I do 2h/2h or 2h/dw.

    Some examples
    1. ambush, surprise, camo, radiant magelight, cloak - incapacitating strike
    2. rally, vigor, double take, mass hysteria, relentless focus - meteor/dawnbreaker/soul tether

    After the patch I might move a skill off for a vamp skill so I can take advantage of the regen passive.

    1. efficient purge, mass hysteria, relentless, rally, vigor- soul tether (2h)
    2. ambush, surprise, flying blade, camo, cloak - incapacitating strike (dw)

    It just depends on what I am doing or who I am with. I have used both of those builds I listed above to great success. These builds obviously work best with stacking weapon damage. Sets like hundings, morag tong and shadow walker or red mountain. However you can easily get by with Hundings/Ashen until you level up. There is no rush.

    As I said before, gear and skill are only part of it and get you only so far. Player skill and know-how will get you farther than any build or gear. Just get your awareness up and your comfort level in player engagement. Everything will eventually fall into place once you know what you are aiming for.
    I got killed in pvp, nerf everything...
  • Rylana
    Or here is an idea, stop expecting to come out of cloak and instagib without any repercussion vs anyone you meet

    That is the fundamental flaw in all nightblade newbie builds. They dont learn the mechanics of the game because they get obsessed with cloak and dagger so much.

    A competent opponent will never be instagibbed if they are paying attention and not otherwise engaged.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Wish granted all the other NB QQ so much that there the new meta in U7
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