Hi folks,
I have started this guild with a view of it becoming a vampire only guild. There will be different rank structures but everyone will have access to the guild bank once we have enough players so there is a point in being a member (i am sick and tired of being members of guilds with no perks to being in that guild).
Vampire bites will be shared amongst our guild for free (if any arrangement is made to pay money, they are acting outside of the guild).
We will have guild stores as and when we get enough members, and we will help people out in pve/pvp.
This is my vision...
There is a requirement in order to join this guild - 250 gold will be transferred into the guild bank (once we unlock the bank ) by each member to enable me to create a guild tabard and other guild related items.
The second requirement is that i get a vampire bite first (perks of guildmaster) on my dragonknight character - this person will be second in charge of the guild as i spend some time away from home now and again.
The guild is open to all alliances but i am as below:
GT: ClaspingZero
Server: EU
Alliance: Daggerfall
I do also have a vampire character already and in 7 days time i will be able to bite someone on my nightblade.
Any people that are interested please either post here with your xbox GT and also state if you are able to bite me in Bangkorai
Many thanks