While I know everyone is begging for text chat, I will happily note that it's been wished for a lot, so please introduce new concepts and ideas.
Whilst trying to set my MOTD [x1], I got a lovely time out mid way through a rather large message.
So a wishlist if you will to improve over all communication and information of the game without hindrance to the lovely ESO UI. Please note that I left the PC version do my opinion of line of information sharing being crossed.
This is my attempt to improve upon the game while asking for things that have already been datamined and coded into the game so really a new feature that only takes a copy and past in the coding and hopefully an attempt at minimal work.
MOTD is lovely, but I feel communication would be improved if I could either edit the MOTD without writing out the old one or another bulletin space where I can leave my guild with lengthier guidance within the game. I would also love if while writing a message in general of significant length I did not get booted for inactivity. This has had to me on separate occasions and has left me bewildered and trying to find ways to communicate guidance when our playing times do not cross over.
I do not wish to disturb daily guild activities for the fact some of my players have limited amount of time to play and getting everyone on would take a copious amount of work, unfortunately all of my guild mates suffer from CRS, myself being the larger culprit so I absolutely wish to maintain my thoughts with my guild and not on a note here on my desk. In permanent written form in game and not via 3rd party.
Voice Chat Improvements
Editing Voice Channels or a Note for so channels can be assigned for certain events.
Making it so group and guild channels can be open simultaneously, this creates an opportunity for amazing command control in Cyrodiil, multiple groups working in unison with myself and my squad leaders in one guild channels creating on the fly decisions to help support the fight.
Set Home feature for the Guild Channel we which to log into the game for players who have a main guild.
I am conservative in my choice of names in the MMO genre and prefer to be a little more formal, with that said the option to toggle tags to characters in the playable world would be amazing if possible, some of the gamer-tags are nicely put, unusual or old from a time when most gamers have or had an undeveloped frontal lobe and their name choices were not as intellectually forthcoming as they possibly could be for a median standard between the conservative and liberal minds.
I would love my Grandma to see the surface of this game and not give me a crazy look when she comes to visit or my many little nieces and nephews not ask their Uncle what a bad word means at such a young age, I am not their parent and it is not my place to teach them analogies, comedy, and anything Greek.
I also do not want to see anyone be hindered in their ability to create names either.
UI Information
I know this discussion has been of magick and fireworks in the past however I would like to offer up some suggestions that would slightly improve the game to a satisfying median for all gamers minimalist and Code Geeks alike.
The Compass Bar
All that bar needs is sharper and slightly improved font size on the lettering, it does not catch my eye (and I have 20/13 in both my eyes so I can see very well), and perhaps a slightly aggravated color so its not disturbing to the stunning visuals this game provides BUT provides the necessary information for on the fly decisions and information communication that some players do require for upper echelon PvP and PvE.
A map backdrop added into the bar and a circle toggle option.
I am and never will be a fan of a bar when every game I ever played offered a circle, there is something so symmetrically pleasing about a circle that the elongated Zelda rupee thing we have now does not provide. It's rather awkward and makes shot calling a little more difficult then it needs to be, it would immensely help in brevity that the Leader doesn't have to constantly toggle the map.
Resource Bars
Bar permanence, toggle option to keep the bars always on much like the skill feature, many players appreciate static appearances.
Secondly, I, like many would like numerical values on our resources displayed.
There's nothing wrong with current bars, shape of the bars, or placement, they just need a toggle option for numbers because we cannot alter the UI of the game do to platform limitations. They are not psychologically unnerving because a resource bar has always been a bar in MMO format.
Combat Log Feature
Please put the combat recap in log form, so really just take the coding for guild history and make a separate one so we can see the results of the whole fight for character tweaking and analysis and for better use for gear sets, attribute distribution, skill use, and champion point distribution WITHOUT upsetting the UI.
I really hate hearing "WTF HIT ME" and their damage recap does not show the nuke prior to the five pokes of doom that cost me a soul gem. I would like to be able to help my guild members and the inexperienced players adjust and better understand the game better so improve their overall experience without getting into a complete theorycrafting debacle without tangible information present.
Guild Leadership Features
I absolutely love being able to see who does what in my guilds bank. However what I cannot stand is seeing the obnoxious amount of spam I had to create to organize my guilds bank. I have certain items I do not want taken out of the bank prematurely.
So either a guild bank sort feature button, or auto sort would be greatly appreciated.
Also, an item listing feature in alphabetical order on top of the above request would be immensely appreciated to reduce any further clutter the guild bank currently provides.
Thank you for reading, I am advocating for changes to UI features and coding already present in the game in some form to improve features already present in the game. I believe nothing I said in the game has not been coded so I looked for improvements that can be time convenient and worth while for the development team to invest in to improve the over all game experience.
I have a disposition against too much player manipulation but I also just do not like stupidity and clutter on my screen when the game is to be enjoyed and some features just could be a little more efficient then they currently are. So I tend to steer away from cutting the religious game experience from most players while requesting something that for Console users is needed.