Ok, so I'm struggling through the Vet levels and was doing quests because it *seemed* as if the xp was higher than grinding. Then I paid more attention. When I get xp, it reads some very nice high number with a percentage underneath it. Typically, for example, I get see the claim that I'm receiving:
14997 XP
But if I look at my XP before and after, it only raises roughly 4000. I'm starting to think the 77% is a "you're losing 77% here, ha!" to laugh at my time spent.
And other times, I've seen a tremendously high xp read:
399 988 XP
And then get so little it's pathetic.
1. What's going on?
2. If there's an XP cut, why? Is it because I'm over/under level? (Up until today, I was Vet 3 in a Vet 2 zone. I went into a Vet 5 zone and it read 57% XP under each xp I got, or thereabouts, but when killed mobs, the xp given was smaller than the V2 place).
3. Why are you choosing to display XP like this? I can't speak for everyone, but it makes me pretty annoyed to know that I'm losing XP for no particular reason.
War, give me war, give me war.