Here are some of the things that I want to know:
Are there any must have abilities for this kind of thing?
Something else that always confuses me in PvP tanking, do I use magicka or stamina for certain things? I feel you have to use both pools, no point in leaving one as it'd be a waste, even if it has no points allocated.
And if I just use stamina abilities I will be risking potential to have more room to break CC/Roll.
A lot of the time I play in a duo, or just with randoms if I'm on my own.
Should I wear full heavy armor or mix a little?
I have no idea what the secondary weapon bar could be (weapon and ability wise)
Stat allocations, I have no idea what they should look like (I prefer to have this written down as points into, not a specific health figure.)
What situations should I avoid as a tank in PvP?
I get involved with the defence and offence in PvP, protecting others and catching the remnants of retreats.
Oh and I was wondering how to use 1 hand and shield best too.
Erm also, an aesthetic issue, know any good heavy style combos? I like Imperial style and all, but it's just so widely worn I don't feel unique at all.
Edited by 21jws10 on August 26, 2015 10:52AM PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB