I enjoy playing this game. I like the PVP and I enjoy the challenging aspects of PVE. This is not a rant thread, it is a suggestions thread. I do not wish to 'wreck' anyone's game play. I would like more options. I do not want to just quit if I can have the game improved for the better (in my opinion).
The following is a list of suggestions that would greatly improve my gaming experience (and therefore, I assume, others too).
Apologies for the slightly muddled approach but this was a bit of a brain dump.
Please give us the option to display features such as name tags above heads, a guild tag, a proper combat log etc. I understand that some people don't want to see that information, but plenty of others do. Please provide us with options - allow us to turn on such ingame features if we wish without having to rely on 3rd party addons.
Champion Point system
I like the CP system. I like having reward for playing over time. I also like to grind sometimes.
Note that at this point, whether I do quests or kill mobs, both are grinds to me.
My problem with it is that there is no limit to the number of CPs. This actually eliminates choice and consequence. It does not matter what I choose because, sooner or later, I will have them all. Diminishing returns or not, sooner or later, people will all have +25% damage, resistance, stam cost reduction, magic regen, crit damage, physical damage etc etc. DIminishing returns are irrelevant when everyone has 25% bonuses. This is also an example (of many) of making the game bland by removing consequence.
The game needs consequence in order to make the feeling of accomplishment more satisfying (more on that below in the difficulty section).
I really believe that we need to be limited in the number of points that we can acquire.
I appreciate that you are adding some more challenge in the new patch. I haven't yet had a chance to try it. I would say that the game really really needs some more challenge. It is fair enough that levels 1-5 or 1-10 are easy because most people lack any skills to use to counter the mobs. Beyond level 10, however, there is so little challenge that you can face-roll through 10s of mobs at a time even at level 15. This makes for an incredibly boring experience. Even the boss mobs are ludicrously easy to kill. For perspective (and I know that I have had some practice), I used a level 4 seducer set all the way to level 50 while playing a magicka NB. I then used cloak, funnel health and impale to do the first 20 levels. level 4 gear. at level 50. I upgraded the weapons every 10 levels but I didn't use crafted sets much because there was just no need. Drops were sufficient.
There is just no sense of accomplishment because it is so damned easy.
I understand that you are trying to give people a chance to play casually, use any setup etc, however, what you are doing is making it incredibly bland and boring for those people who are familiar with the controls. I would really suggest that those red circles do more damage, particularly in dungeons and specially boss mobs. Making the mobs harder would encourage more community spirit and foster multiplayer. Currently, the desire to promote a solo-player storyline makes other players more of an inconvenience than a fun experience. This is compounded by the lack of names above heads ; leading to everyone looking like NPCs. That conversation has been done to death.
Please, make the mobs hit harder and have a bit more health - 20% flat increase in red circle damage, heavy attacks and health perhaps? This would force players to respond to the enemy rather than just stand in the middle and pew pew blindly until it is dead.
Anything to return to the game a feeling of multiplayer.
Please provide us with stam or magic choices for all morphs. Simply allow us to choose magic/spell or stam/weapon for all morphs. This could be achieved by providing us with 4 choices instead of 2; 2 magic choices and 2 stam choices. This would give us more choice and tick the 'play as you want' box.
Quest dialogue:
Please alter the quest dialogue so that the optional extra chat choices are within the body of the dialogue, rather than tagged onto the end. I say this because I have lost count of the number of times that I have typed 11111 only to find myself 'not' at the end of the conversation but rather, stuck in the middle of the optional Lore conversations. Also, from an RP point of view, I find it rather unnatural to ask the quest giver to tell my about themselves just after they have said 'QUICK - go there is no time' and then I reply by saying 'so, tell me about yourself' - it is just silly.
Please embed these optional extras into future quest dialogues as 4th or 5th options, rather than tagging them onto the end as an after thought. This would improve the quest dialogue flow for grinders and questers alike.
Voice Acting:
You have some truly fantastic voice acting from some real AAA actors. John Cleese as Cadwell - awesome. The opening moments where we hear him singing 'one fine day in the middle of the night' - that was so cool.
Then, you go into the AD area and we have Aranias; an American actress doing her damned best to put on an English accent. It is a good attempt but it is still clearly an American putting on an English accent. It is irritating and awkward. Please, use an English woman if you want an English accent or use an American woman and give the characters natural American Accents, but don't try to fake it. This is similar for many of the Bosmer and Altmer characters. It disrupts Immersion.
Vet Ranks and grinding
These really need to go. Allow people the Freedom to play the sandbox-y way once they hit 50. Down-scale us down to 50, down-scale the gear and the stats down to 50 and allow us to quest through the other areas at our leisure, comfortable in the knowledge that we can go do max-level PVP any time that we wish.
Currently, we are forced to grind to vr14 (you can present it as a choice, however, you are ultimately not competitive until you hit vr14 and get some gear - thus it is not really a choice). Soon VR16. To add to that, you have ruined our ability to grind in craglorn. Sure, you are buffing it by 20%, however, 20% of nothing is still nothing. Sure, you have bugged Cyrodiil and I appreciate that.
Gear and DLC:
After we are levelled to 50, we can then have the gear levels instead via the DLC. It is still a form of levelling and I will personally still buy the IC even if there were no level increase and even if you weren't attempting to force us into it by moves such as the stam regen nerf and the new gear sets that return stam on blocking. This is poor game design in my opinion. It is making up for lack of imagination. It is the gaming equivalent of a crap music band making up for quality/musical ability with more volume/bigger speakers.
If you make it awesome, people will buy it. You don't need these gimmicks.
New Zones.
I am tired of saving E-damsels sisters etc. No matter how you dress it up, it is the same list of quests. This will always be the case because there is a finite amount of errands to do.
Instead, please give us the ability to 'live' in the world of Tamriel. Please give us vast swathes of land on which to build our own houses/towns (a la SWG), give us PVP areas that are so big that you can travel for a while in relative safety. Give us castle-construction and actual territory control. Make it more like DAOC or Eve where taking a castle / system required a lot of time and effort.
Allow us to make those NPCS damned hard to kill.
All of this would add to a sense of achievement for actually being successful.
The current ping-pong keep system ,where 1 team takes them in teh daytime and another team takes them in the night time, creates a sense of pointlessness. There is no actual benefit to holding them becasue they will switch just as soon as the playing field changes.
Instead, please give us the ability to turn those NPCs into killing machines through time spent farming/feeding them etc. Make them stronger when fewer players are online.
Allow us to build thicker walls, bigger walls, more walls.
Please, allow us to make a difference to the landscape.
These sorts of changes will keep me (and others) paying for years to come. I will happily pay for something from which I gain satisfaction. Please give me that satisfaction.
You can strike a balance between 'solo-player TES storylines' and 'multiplayer online in the world of Tamriel'. It just needs more time, money, servers, manpower and vision!
Edited by Frawr on August 1, 2015 11:58AM