Tommy_valkyria wrote: »To be honest I can't tell you how fantastic it is to have a character that is ready to craft whatever as soon as you need it for your primary combat character. It's amazing.
I may end up doing this myself. What class was your main and what class did you pick for your alt?
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Well you can level clothing, BS and Wood with so few skills.
Not sure how you're using skill it's but at Vr1 I had plenty of skills to use
Are you gathering all the skill pts?
Quests, sky shards, public dungeons, etc
Why not have all in one. Getting 200 skill points to do it not hard.
I don't know if I'm OCD, though that does tend to be common among us MMO players, but here's what I'm doing.
I got my first character to 38, and was feeling under powered due to being burdened with having spent too many crafting points so I rolled a new character. This character went straight to VR 14, having the benefit of wearing crafted armor the whole way.
Here's where the OCD kicks in, I decided I wanted to have a second account where all of my crafting could be done. To better manage inventory, I'm splitting each of the crafters up as separate alts. "Paula the Provisioner", "Tina the Tailor", etc. I'm storing common crafting items in the bank, but items unique to their crafting profession in their personal inventories.
- Easy to find what I'm looking for
- Seldom have to do inventory shuffle
- Easy to email crafted items to main account
- Adventuring on my main account doesn't require me to run back to the bank as often, I can just email items to crafting account
- Only need to level crafting alts to level 18 (or less depending upon skyshards)
- Cost of second account
- Need to learn motifs on many characters
- Emailing can be a hassle
- Emailing can get expensive over time
- Its a lot of alts to level, even if only leveling to 18
- Expanding horse storage on all of the characters is expensive
- Expanding horse storage daily for all characters on two accounts is a time-sucking, soul-draining, and mind-numbing bore
Tommy_valkyria wrote: »Being on console, I don't think I can mail items to myself though I've yet to try. The only Items I have on my crafter are weapons and equipment, so all other of the 110 inventory slots are full of crafting supplies. I do agree that doing the bank swap thing sucks, as with the horse training too. I couldn't do crafting on more than one character, it'd be far too much to bank swap with one to make armor, another to enchant it, and last to the one that would wear it.
Tell me you don't have Willy the Blacksmith, Diago the Woodworker and Maria the Clothier - each with separate racial motif list. If so, you spent fortune on those Imperial and Dwemer books. Sweet Jesus!Here's where the OCD kicks in, I decided I wanted to have a second account where all of my crafting could be done. To better manage inventory, I'm splitting each of the crafters up as separate alts. "Paula the Provisioner", "Tina the Tailor", etc. (...)
- Need to learn motifs on many characters
Hmmm, as it is I have crafts split between two characters:
Templar: Prov, WWing, Clothing
Sorc: Alchemy, Enchanting
But I rolled a NB recently and I've decided to use her for BSing, and I've been considering using her for Clothing too (if not for the fact that my Templar has researched pretty much every Clothing trait, it would have been a 100% switch). I figure all of them will get leveled in Prov and Alchemy at some point, since those two are so easy to level, but aside from those it is easier to have your Crafting split between characters. Sure, you might need to relog and juggle stuff between characters, but it gives you more leeway with your skill points to not worry about maxing all Crafting trees on a single character.
Tell me you don't have Willy the Blacksmith, Diago the Woodworker and Maria the Clothier - each with separate racial motif list. If so, you spent fortune on those Imperial and Dwemer books. Sweet Jesus!