Pompeyfluff wrote: »I play for the thrill.
Love it when i see 50+ people attacking keeps, only to find 50 people trying to defend.
Strategy becomes involved, communication, and the hope that when your force is starting to run low that reinforcements might arrive and change the whole dynamic of the battle.
LotusBladedancer wrote: »I play to unlock Vigour for my character ... (Apart from rally, the only decent stamina heal in the game)
leepalmer95 wrote: »
It's getting put to rank 5 next patch.
I play because i like it when i can 1vx or 2vx or 3vx etc... when we win when were outnumbered
DaveTheMinion wrote: »I wanted to keep pve aspects of the game out of the poll, not out of choice but from looking online and some of the streams on both console and PC, PVP players of late seem to be getting a bad rap. Some of the people I have spoken to recently seem to form the opinion that we only do it for an ego boost? well that's definitely not me, I die far too often for an ego to grow.
I just love the thrill of large battles where anything can happen.
I'm not going to lie, unlike many others, that killing others gives me a ego boost and makes me feel superior. Lets face it, it is the foundation of the very concept of PvP. Sure, some casuals play for fun to pass the time.Some to get AP and gear, and usually you can instantly tell who that is, but hardcore and many regular pvp players play to be superior and always improve to be above others and there is no point denying it. It's human nature, it's what drives the world forward, be it digital or real.
a.skelton92 wrote: »
Oh, my dear boy! I believe you have neglected to point out one major factor. YOU are not superior, your GEAR is superior and in no way will you ever be remembered for your courageous acts in dear Elder Scrolls or taking mankind one step further into the future.
Superiority in a game is all that matters after all. The very fact that people feel the need to separate themselves into categories i.e. Casual or hardcore, is an indicator to ones integrity as a human being and how one functions in real life. But I suppose those pale types need to find that basic human need from somewhere. I suppose it all boils down to whether you make the other player aware of your ego boost or if you just graciously move onto the next victim, resisting that "human urge" to teabag ones corpse.
No offence intended.