Looking for a family friendly dominion guild

Soul Shriven
We are looking for a family friendly dominion guild
We are wanting a clean and healthy environment to enjoy this game with
We are a father and son on 2 ps4's
I am a sherpa personality and help anyone I can
Although I have a lot to learn of this game still
We are both looking forward to running PVE or PVP
NOT looking for a rude, crude or demeaning guild
Please send a message if you want to myself first
Psn jameshiebert
  • Devo3


    Hello, friend! I believe that the Malformed Fortune; a family of thieving freaks (the 'freak' part being some of us having possesion of Lycanthropy and Vampirism) is able to meet your interests in a guild! We welcome all; regardless of alliance, age, gender, etc. Also, when it comes to activities we participate in ESO, there is no bounds! Whether it be PVP, PVE; you name it, we're doing it! Do consider looking into the guild forum link above and be able to uncover full detail on what this guild is all about; and are willing to offer you!

    Regardless of which guild(s) you reside with, I hope you find a guild that meets your interests so you may further enjoy the ESO experience! Thank you for your time reading this post if not the thoroughly detailed guild forum. Happy gaming!
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