So after playing in I.C. for a few hours last night, I came to realize that the pace of PvP has drastically changed with this patch. The campaign was full the entire time, and it was one in which anyone could access I.C., yet I don't think I participated in a single fight that had more than 15-20 people, total. Most of the fights I encountered were anywhere from 2 v 2 to 4 v 4, with the main dynamic being the ability to get the jump on the enemy quickly from around the corner or another building.
One of Werewolf's biggest drawbacks is a lack of good AOE and a lack of ability to stay in Werewolf form. Now that PvP has been reduced to more focused fights, could a well built Werewolf actually succeed? At one point I was following one person around who was actually transforming into Werewolf, and they were tearing it up. I mean, they were almost unstoppable.
Let's look at some of the Werewolf's pro's and con's with IC:
Massive stamina recovery
Increased weapon damage
A sizable bleed on light attacks
Gap closer
Self heal (especially nice for Stam DW NB's like myself who have no access to a self heal)
CC in the form of fear and knockdown
DOT that reduces healing received
Plenty of NPCs to Devour
Can no longer accidentally leave Werewolf form
Combat style synergizes with a lot of new gear sets
Poison damage looks like it could be a serious problem with some of the new gear
Fighter's guild skills will see more use here
Lack of real stealth or escape
*If I have missed any, feel free to comment*
Overall, I think PvP looks very bright for Werewolf, and I look forward to testing some builds today. Thoughts?
Edited by MCMancub on July 29, 2015 2:08PM