I know that two people still get full exp, but as soon as you add a third, exp plummets significantly.
Perhaps it is level bracketed?
I'm sure the xp is divided amongst every player that's damaged the mob, but we can't really tell cause y'know... add-ons
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
I'm sure the xp is divided amongst every player that's damaged the mob, but we can't really tell cause y'know... add-ons
mobs are giving a destinctive amount of XP depending upon their difficulty.
this value is modified by his and your lvl comparison once you are more than 4 lvls ahead the XP will be halved (and reduced further with every gained lvl above that 4 lvl range to the point you are not getting any worthy xp... 1XP per mob)
is really trickey
1st addional group member gives you a flat out +10% XP bonus (so if the mob gave you 100xp it now gives each of you 110)
every additional player upon a two man group cuts down the xp each of you gets (same count for out of group "adds") not 100% sure by how mutch never actually cared (but is sth like 10-20% per additional groupmember/adder).
this goes on untill more than 12 people hit the same mob from here it gets really wonky as you will only get XP if you are part of the 12 most contributeing players while your contribution can contain, tanking(aka beeing hit), healing or dealing dmg but as abvious if the mob dies within seconds with out dealing dmg itself healing and tanking might be quite unneccessary...
hope that helps a bit...
so for your 6 man grind the best you can do is to have 3x 2man groups to achieve the proper 10% grouping bonus and have everybody hit the mob(s) atleast once.
starkerealm wrote: »I'm sure the xp is divided amongst every player that's damaged the mob, but we can't really tell cause y'know... add-ons
mobs are giving a destinctive amount of XP depending upon their difficulty.
this value is modified by his and your lvl comparison once you are more than 4 lvls ahead the XP will be halved (and reduced further with every gained lvl above that 4 lvl range to the point you are not getting any worthy xp... 1XP per mob)
is really trickey
1st addional group member gives you a flat out +10% XP bonus (so if the mob gave you 100xp it now gives each of you 110)
every additional player upon a two man group cuts down the xp each of you gets (same count for out of group "adds") not 100% sure by how mutch never actually cared (but is sth like 10-20% per additional groupmember/adder).
this goes on untill more than 12 people hit the same mob from here it gets really wonky as you will only get XP if you are part of the 12 most contributeing players while your contribution can contain, tanking(aka beeing hit), healing or dealing dmg but as abvious if the mob dies within seconds with out dealing dmg itself healing and tanking might be quite unneccessary...
hope that helps a bit...
so for your 6 man grind the best you can do is to have 3x 2man groups to achieve the proper 10% grouping bonus and have everybody hit the mob(s) atleast once.
So close. Once you're five levels above the target, then XP drops to zero. You no longer get drops (excluding crafting materials), gold, XP, or gear deterioration from the kills. So, a level 12 fighting level 6s will get nothing. The major wrinkle here is, as a VR, your level is always considered to be 50. So a VR14 will still get XP and drops from fighting level 46 enemies, even though they're (effectively) 17 levels over the enemies.
There is no, "you get 1xp for this enemy" situation I can think of. Maybe from killing level 1 wildlife before you've hit level 6, but I've never checked that.
I'm honestly not sure about group XP. That meshes with what I've seen, but I've never bothered to check it either.
no you just have to hit them once the amount of dmg doesent matter with 6 players involved.leepalmer95 wrote: »I'm not grouped with any of them, were jusy 6 random people grinding mobs, do i need to only hit every mob or deal th emost dmg, as some of these people refuse to allow people to gather mobs together and are just single target killing them.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
sure about that? they told us that they changed that behaviour with 1.6 or so... back than i went to my lvl 30 area killed a few zombies and recieved exactly one XP for each of them but in the end it doesent matter its not worthy to kill them anyway.