So just a little bit feedback....
1.The fix to crashes and performance DIDNT TAKE.
2.The no stam recovery while blocking is a good improvement in pvp, HOWEVER it should be part of the pvp buff and not applied in pve.
3.WW 15% stam needs to be given by any skill slotted and not req an ulti spot.
4.The reduction of stamina cost to class skills to be in line with wep skills DIDNT TAKE.
5.The overall pvp seems more immersive with the new buffs/debuffs as fighting last more than a second.
6.The worries of overpowered NB seems to be unfounded and the class seems to be in-line with others.
7. repentance scaling the same with stam/wep as with magicka DIDNT TAKE.
These seem to be some of the issues to address as I am sure there is more lets continue to keep our focus on the current path and avoid such things as stam morphs for whip and player housing.