I thought this may be the case:
Yeah, it seems like it will work like the Horse upgrades in that case. I'm wondering when they plan on adding more character slots as there is space for four more in the UI in its current state, and when we can expect to change our character's appearance.
Jared_lindsey86_ESO wrote: »
Four more character slots would be perfect.
And also the list of new items and collectibles with their exact names and descriptions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m42h7ANa7b-b1EMD_7Ii1BX_ME-O9v-FEergeA4UH2g/edit#gid=1379337279
Also here are some icons: http://i.imgur.com/nJ657Z1.jpg
And also the list of new items and collectibles with their exact names and descriptions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m42h7ANa7b-b1EMD_7Ii1BX_ME-O9v-FEergeA4UH2g/edit#gid=1379337279
Also here are some icons: http://i.imgur.com/nJ657Z1.jpg
theforgottenking1779 wrote: »Werewolf lord polymorph yes finally i'm excited about this i just hope it's legit and also seen something says werewolfs secret wound what that does