Imperial City update shows that Zenimax means business with TESO: TU

Zenimax have my undivided confidence, enthusiasm and satisfaction right now.

  • The item "Helmet of the Red Mountain" now looks like an Ashlander helmet instead of a Breton helmet.
  • Bash Damage enchantments are now 7 times as effective!

Bow before your Zenimax overlords, humble plebs; TESO: TU shall soon become even more a respectable game for the PvP enthusiast.


Also, for 2,500 crowns you get multiple fluff included in your purchase.

  • The Necrotic Hoarvor Pet
  • The Soul Shriven skin
  • Stonefire Scamp Pet
  • Xivkyn Dreadguard Polymorph
  • Xivkyn Tormentor Polymorph
  • Xivkyn Augur Polymorph

Elite Dremora polymorphs!

  • Reduced the fire damage you receive to 25% from 40%.
  • Drain Essence: This ability now restores 10% of your health every second, and stuns your target on activation. It can be used on CC-immune targets, and can be used all the time (it no longer activates the Feed debuff).
  • Supernatural Recovery (passive): This passive now only works while any Vampire ability is slotted in your ability bar.


Will Frost Destruction Staff Sorcerer Vampires become the latest terror upon the battlefields of Cyrodiil?

  • Heavy Frost attacks now grant a damage shield for 4/8% of your maximum health.
  • Wall of Frost: Chilled enemies will now be immobilized for 4 seconds.

Let's begin discussing and showing our appreciation, admiration and more to our Zenimax overlords as humble, polite plebians.

Posting Dremora fan art is encouraged.
Edited by Teiji on July 28, 2015 6:44PM
"Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

European megaserver Fallout 4

Loyalist of Boethiah, heroism enthusiast, exposer of secrets, bless'ed of noxiphilic sanguivoria.

Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
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