Earthen shield, spiked armor, corrosive armor, dragon blood, and reflective scales are all the top taking/defensive skills dk's have at their disposal
Earthen shield, spiked armor, corrosive armor, dragon blood, and reflective scales are all the top taking/defensive skills dk's have at their disposal
Just curious, why corrosive armor over magma shell for tank? You're pretty much invincible with the magma armor already I think, don't see many benefits to the corrosive armor morph.
Earthen shield, spiked armor, corrosive armor, dragon blood, and reflective scales are all the top taking/defensive skills dk's have at their disposal
Just curious, why corrosive armor over magma shell for tank? You're pretty much invincible with the magma armor already I think, don't see many benefits to the corrosive armor morph.
I was really just referring to the ability in general, that's the first name that came to mind.