If you would like to join my pvp guild and play with my friends and myself on the EU megaserver, please send me a mail in-game @LegendaryMage and I'll add you. The guild's name is Colosseum, it's a new guild I made recently and it's mainly a dueling guild, but we won't be dueling all the time of course.
I am talking to Hex about taking over Arena and putting up the site, a forum and all kinds of things. I made the guild before doggy recommended me to talk to Hex, so I'll see what he decides. I'm down for taking over Arena if he's up for it. All of the officers agreed also. We'll just have to wait and see.
It was funny, I was just having some harmless fun with the sneaking level11 from the beginning, was following him around when these guys out of nowhere jumped us both.