What is the name of your guild? Does this name have a particular meaning or
Tamriels Barbaric Knights. The history behind the name comes from a
television show I watched as a kid and my favorite characters that were in
it were nicknamed the "Barbaric Knights" years later on a fan page.
When was the guild founded? Tell us how your guild came into being.
The guild was formed on 6/25/14 and the reason formed was that I couldn't
find what I was looking for in a guild so decided to try my luck and make my
To which alliance has your guild sworn allegiance?
We have sworn allegiance to High King Emeric of the Daggerfall Covenant.
Why was this alliance chosen?
The first character I made was for DC and who I was leveling up at the time.
How many members does your guild have at the moment?
We have currently have 166 members.
Does your guild have a website?
We are in the process of making a calendar site for guild activities.
At what time of day is your guild most active?
We have members online through out the day.
Which languages or nationalities are represented in your guild?
North American server and English speaking guild
What do your guild members most like to do together in ESOTU?
We like to make events like naked races across Tamriel , dancing with
nothing but our tabards on our backs, or just kicking it in our vent server.
What does your guild focus on mostly in the game? Do you prefer to explore
dungeons, taking over Keeps in Cyrodiil, visiting taverns for role-plays, do
you craft goods and trade them or is it a combination of all of these?
We don't focus on just one particular thing really, we are a guild of many
that like a bunch of different activities but I guess you can say a focus
of ours at the moment is getting our members ready for Imperial City and the
What does your guild do that is unique?
Well we believe in getting to know people through our vent and groups their
is no better way.
Is your guild part of a greater alliance of guilds? What was the reason for
the connection?
Does your guild run particular events? If it does, let us know!
We have also done weekend skyshard runs across cyrodiil/craglorn.
What has been your favorite or most unforgettable moment in your ESOTU guild
up to now?
Don't really have a favorite Moment, my adventures through Tamriel meeting
new people making new friends or rivals is always fun and makes it more
Has your guild secretly (or perhaps publicly) sworn itself to a Daedric
Prince? If so, to which one?
Hehehe I might as well tell you, uncle Sheo likes to show up to our guild
meetings sometimes and talk with the new recruits nothing to worry about
uncle Sheo turns them back eventually...
After a long day of hardcore adventuring, where does your guild go for a bit
of relaxation?
A bunch of us will just go to a city in DC and play with the emotes like
dance or dancedrunk juggleflame playdead and so on our last event a member
made 20 gold from random people just by dancing nord.
Tell us five amusing facts about your guild.
1. In our vent we have a few members that RP one will start talking like
Yoda. (He sounds exactly like him to.)Any way shortly after yoda speaks a
few other usually log and they start talking about provisioning and wanting
to make darkside cookies.
2. We start you with the Squire rank each rank has it has its requirements
(scrubbing down the guild rest room ,cleaning stable, polishing our gear in
the armory and also some odd jobs from Sheogorath.
3. When you join our guild we treat you like family (the kind you like well
their was that one exception great old Uncle Leo but Sheogorath forbids us
to mention him.)
4.Have you ever danced with the daedra in the pale moon light and lived to
talk about it? We have, we also like to howl at the moon uncle Sheo supplies
the daedra at the party but you would think he would bring meed instead oh
well that's "THE MAD GOD" for you.
5.We erect the spine of friendship to all our members and give them a chance
to prove their loyalty to us Tamriels Barbaric Knights how ever they can.
If any other players might want to join your guild, how should they contact
if you are 18 yrs. or older you may contact us here
TamrielsBarbaricKnights@yahoo.com and please list in the subject box your
interests like Pledges , PVP/PVE, Crafting and Role-Play is also welcomed.