More Crown Packs/options

Hello, I'm sorry if such a thread already exists, but I tried hard to look for one like this, but I didn't found such.

So after I learned about the upcoming DLC, I was trying to make a decision about how many Crowns should I buy next time to get the DLC. Currently I have 500 from when I bought the game so this means I need 2000 more for the DLC, but all of the options are below or above the value I need, so I started wondering, why aren't there more packs or, like in Chinese World of Warcraft - people decide the amount of time they prepay for, unlike in the West where your only option is a 30 day period, so the same with Crowns - having the option to choose the right amount of Crowns you need and the website calculates the price.

I'm not suggesting it, because I believe that the developers know that they are doing, and probably have a reason for such things not to be available, so I'm just curious what would that reason be? Fear of exploits?
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