Anti Werewolf/Vampire/Daedra Build

I'd preferably like it to be a templar, not sure about stats or weapons or armor even. What would be best to counter act these individuals and turn the tide against their hordes? I will be stamina based most likely, probably having one bar for WW, another for vampires. Both will have Expert Hunter on it. So that leaves ultimates and four more abilities on each bar. I'd like to use a bow with lethal arrow for werewolves, no idea for vampire, as I'm stamina based.. So Destro staff probably wouldn't do.
PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB
  • Aerathnor
    I know templar fits the theme you're looking for, unfortunately all of its fire damage is magicka based. You'll need bow for poison, which you already know, but I'd go DK for the class as the Flame line from them has stamina morphs that deal fire damage.

    Round out your abilities with Fighter's Guild ones (dawn breaker would be a must if you really want the theme to match) and you have a Stam based Aberration hunter.

    Edit: So yeah, you just made me decide on my next character. Dunmer DK with Bow and 2h to hunt some beasties. Thanks for getting that stuck in my head :p
    Edited by Aerathnor on July 22, 2015 2:06PM
  • 21jws10
    @Aerathnor I'm using vampire's bane for fire damage, I think backlash has a stamina morph, looks the part, so anyway I know a lot of vamps are either dunmer or wear fire resist, so I'm looking at it more of a defensive perspective, how to counteract their abilities, which are magic based, so I have took one handed and shield currently, but I can change that if it doesn't work out. My secondary is bow. Eclipse looks like it could be helpful against vamps, due to the reflect. Also, what is the temp's self heal? I'll be needing one obviously. I'm going to get poison injection then swap it to lethal arrow when I'm a higher level. Tips to get dawnbreaker at a lower level than usual? I've heard doing anchors frequently helps. What armor do you recommend? a mix of heavy and medium? If so, what ratio?
    PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB
  • Aerathnor
    Vamp abilities are not reflectable iirc. Drain is a channel, bats are aoe, and mist is either non damaging or aoe as well.

    Yeah temp has some fire damage, I'm not overly familiar with them but I glanced at their skills and morphs and didn't see any of the dawns wrath spells being morphed into stam.

    For defensive you could take the FG circle of protection, but I'm not certain of the effectiveness there.

    Dawn breaker would be just running dolmens, otherwise wait till cold harbour and just grind it out.

    Armor you'll probably want the standard 5 med, heavy chest and legs if you go full stam. If you are trying to mix and match stamina and magicka as a templar you're going to have to go med/light to get as much effectiveness as possible out of mixed stats.

    If you're only using the bow for poison then you could go full magicka with a bow and 1h/s, use dawns light/aedric for damage (magicka morphs), use the Templar healing line for survival, and pick up the passives from 1h/s as well as the reflect. With this you would want to mix heavy and light armor.
    Edited by Aerathnor on July 22, 2015 2:20PM
  • Chrlynsch
    With the upcoming nerf to werewolf/vampir weakness it would be best for you to focus directly on fighters guild abilities. Stick with medium armor and go physical damage as fighters guild abilities scale on stamina/weapon damage... Dragonknight works well for its stamina Fire morphs. Run camouflage hunter or evil hunter. Werewolves can be pretty easy to kill as most have low survivability. Just make sure you have enough survivability yourself to take one round of burst damage from a werewolf . Circle of protection can help a lot.
    Edited by Chrlynsch on July 22, 2015 6:20PM
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • 21jws10
    Anymore suggestions? I think I might go with this. Tried with templar, but it was a bore.
    PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB
  • Xvorg
    Why not the classic Witchhunter from TES games?

    This is from Oblivion

    This is from Morrowind

    It should be a NB (using the shadow tree) with bow and some of the fighters guild skills
    Edited by Xvorg on July 23, 2015 4:22PM
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • 21jws10
    @Xvorg what d'ye mean? also those links arent working. I like the idea what you suggest, as I already have a dragonknight and I've got a NB that needs deleting so I'll need to reroll another one. I'm an imperial so would this work? I like the idea of being a hunter, and not some crusader, plus more dps :D
    PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB
  • 21jws10
    @Xvorg got it working, reckon you could Inbox me your suggestions for what I add to this build?
    PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB
  • Xvorg
    I've edited the post (just used another forum format by mistake xD)

    Basically the WH descrption in Morrowind is similar to what you metioned

    If you are an Imperial, a NB stam build should be OK to get more critical from the Assa tree and the last passive from the imperial will help a lot

    You can check the skills here

    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Minno
    Is there a link to magika build that's dedicated to anti-vamp?
    Want to read on the theory craft behind it.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • 21jws10
    @Minno not that I know of, probably involves a lot of destro staff moves. But some of the sorc abilities can probably counteract the vampires.
    PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB
  • Minno
    21jws10 wrote: »
    @Minno not that I know of, probably involves a lot of destro staff moves. But some of the sorc abilities can probably counteract the vampires.

    I know popping evil hunter then dark flare with vamps bane for dot worked for me last night in pvp. ( dual weld Templar).

    Looking to find info to match escape potential similar to a vamp. Any ideas @21jws10 ?
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • 21jws10
    @Minno hmm, I've never seen the mist form really, but, I presume that if you CC then use rapid maneuvers you will have some pretty good escape, I'd CC 'em, then use RM then go into stealth so I'm invisible.
    PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB
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