After nearly 1 week of drama, let's talk about the more positive sides of the community

1. Had to go afk because of real life, so i decided to park my toon in daggerfal, disguised as skeleton and playing the lute. 30 minutes later, people stand there, dancing or using the sit emote and some newbies send me pms with a little gold and low level potions and equipment for my performance.
2. Was in cyrodiil, grinding daily quests. I and atleast over 10 other blues were in bruma doing quest and farming dolmen. Most of us were vet 14, myself included and then suddenly a yellow lowbie ( i think around lvl 20 ) appeared. Everyone turned to the newbie direction but nobody made the first step and then we returned to doing quests while the yellow joined us.
What stories of unknown friendly strangers have you guys to share?