Just a bit of background for context here. I am a longtime MMO player who is used to the typical in game and addon info that is available for a MMO. I am also a stat geek and love to min/max characters out and test. I've been known to spend many hours tinkering with gear / builds and letting a random mob smack me for hours on end to test mitigation, etc. Now to my current issue:
I am going to break this down into three separate (but related) categories:
1 - Lack of detailed character info & stats
2 - Lack of info during combat (dmg, timers, etc)
3 - Lack of other standard MMO addons
For #1 - I really see no reason why there is no way to see a more detailed view of my characters stats. This is especially painful with the stats coming from multiple sources such as skills (active & passive), gear, and champion system. Here is a specific instance. I am primarily a tank and am dumping a ton into reduced block cost. Sure...I can add up all the sources...but I have no way of knowing how (or if) they stack. How much diminishing returns I'm getting as I add more. Heck - there is nothing in game that even tells me what the base block cost is.... There really is no reason that this can't be given in the UI. Give us the info to allow us to make a proper decision on my gear. This is just one example, but it goes for many other stats as well. Now this is compounded by the fact that I have absolutely NO way to test this in game. I can't see my actual stam #s change as I block, which leads us to #2:
#2 - Lack of info during a fight:
First - Why is there no combat log???!? I can't test damage (or mitigation) without it. I am left guessing and doing everything by feel. Hm...that looked like it took away more of his red bar than last time...I think it was more damage. Ugh.
Second - I have no way to tell the timers on my skills. Many characters have crucial short term buffs to keep up but no way of knowing when they will come down. I have to either guess, waste resources casting early, or stare at my char to watch the visual indicator fall off and then recast. This is just silly. We should have the OPTION of turning on buff indicators (with timers) so that we know EXACTLY what buffs are on during combat and when they will fall off.
#3 - Standard addons: MMO players are used to being allowed to customize their UI and use typical MMO addons. The best example for me is scrolling combat text. I totally understand why this wasn't included as a default as it is info overload to those who are not used to it - but why isn't it an option? Most MMO players use it....and completely miss having it in ESO. Now I understand that some addons in some game can over simplify things (with boss skill timers / warnings / etc) and I also know that addons for console may be tricky, but with that said if ESO for consoles is to be taken as a proper MMO (not ESO lite), then ZOS needs to either enable addon support (if it is even possible) or build in the most crucial (and most used) addons as options for console players.
Overall I love this game and playing on console - but I feel like I am being handicapped by this lack of information and feel it is holding me back and will continue to hold the overall console community back as well.
Other console players - your thoughts?