Eso plus suggestion.

I think we should get a little more for are plus membership.. like the ability to recall without being charged atleast that's what lotro did..

also I doubt anyone will like is idea but, if all ore had a different look or style and could be created for any lvl I'd be more likely to buy ore from guild traders and farm or I don't really care about anynof the low lvl ores and they useless because in 10 lvls I'm gonna be using a different ore anyways.. now if I could make a awesome looking ebonthread outfit for my low lvl alt I'd be thrilled to play it.. its just weird that deadric can be created for any lvl but, I guess thats not a material but, ebinthread deadric woukd look pretty cool
  • Turelus
    ESO Plus does need a few more membership benefits but it also needs to be things which don't alter the pay to win scale or detract from the original game. (divines forbid we ever get a SWTOR level of F2P)

    You idea doesn't really impact on those however so it could be an interesting addition to the plus membership.

    As for styles they're slowly adding some more in, so here's to hoping that one day we can craft lower level looks, rare styles etc for any level.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Cously
    LOTRO and SWTOR have great sub perks. I see no reason to pay a sub right now other than support the developing of the game.
  • Turelus
    Cously wrote: »
    LOTRO and SWTOR have great sub perks. I see no reason to pay a sub right now other than support the developing of the game.

    SWTOR sub perks is unlimted access to all the games content. Otherwise you're only allowed to do X number of Operations or PVP matches a week or buy entry access items (which cost more than a sub if you buy access to everything a sub offers).

    ZOS want ESO to be all access for purchase of the main game or DLC packs. This means you can't limit the number of Trials or hours in Cyrodiil without a sub. Thus they need to look elsewhere for incentives for players to sub.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
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