How long has it been since the dye system was added? Six months? Longer? Ever since then we've been asking for the option to dye weapons and shields, and it falls on deaf ears every time.
It defeats the point of dying my armor when I have a shield that doesnt match, or a weapon with a discolored blade, or an arrow quiver with a completely different color.
This shouldnt be that difficult a thing to implement. I know some people are worried about bright pink swords and shields, but it's really not going to be any more prevalent than people with bright pink armor or guild tabards, and just how many of those do we see on a daily basis? Next to none.
Get it done,
PS4 / NA
M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank