Hey everybody!
After many hours of solo questing, I hit vet 1 (like last week) and I can no longer bring myself to play anymore. I can no longer play this "mmo" solo. I want to play with other people. I want to chuckle to myself over the silly comments made in a text chat box.
I was really anticipating the release of the game and it was great for a short time... Until I got tired of the solo grind. I thought vet 1 would make a difference, but it has not. Now, instead of solo questing, I have the option of running back and forth between groups of ads for 14 more levels.
So, in short, I'm stepping away until... I dunno, a text box perhaps.
For all that enjoy the game as is, congrats. But it is not my cup of mmo tea. Actually, it's just tea; not much mmo to it.
As I always say: When it comes to forums, post or your toast.