Coming from D&D and DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online), there is the option to reincarnate your character, which basically entails restarting from scratch but with an additional 'feat' (skill) depending upon the class at time of reincarnate. Characters can reincarnate multiple times and when reincarnated 3 x upon every class, they earn the Completionist feat (an uber badge + increase in stats). It may sound boring to repeat the quests, but in DDO people aim for Completionist regularly.. Ad Nauseum... Recently, they added Epic Reincarnate, which takes you back to level 20 without a complete class reset but with an epic feat. I guess the quests are decent enough to keep players returning.
Is this anything like the Veteran system (I've not maxed character yet)? And could it be a viable system to keep the character active, rather than having to either roll an alt or play another game after ESO endgame?