If you would like to join Daw Of Seduction, a welcoming guild, then please message o0 SuCkErS 0o on Xbox One or leave your GT in the reply section. He will send out an inv asap. We are a new growing guild to the ESOTU community with 50+ members. Hopefully our Guild Trader will be with us on Monday.
I hope it is in your interest to join such a wonderful Guild and enjoy your evening.
Guild Trader Location
Through-Gilded-Eyes in Mournhold.
Type Of Guild
I would like to call our guild a trading guild, but to do so we need to sell alot of items at the right prices. However our Guild also welcomes PvP players and others which would make us an all round guild, allowing any one of any sort welcome.
Edited by Marshal363 on August 3, 2015 1:27PM